I have made it. To that pinnacle of pregnancy. My due date.
And still my baby is snug inside of me.
Today is precisely why I hate due dates. Because even though everyone knows that babies are rarely born on their actual estimated date of delivery, a due date feels more like an expiry date than anything else. For forty weeks we look forward to this date, we count down to this date, we repeat this date over and over.
And yet, today, I am still pregnant.
Today is no different from yesterday or the day before or the day before that.
Just another day.
My due date.
Early in this pregnancy, I heard someone reject the “due date” philosophy in favour of a “due month“. I rather prefer this method of thinking. Babies are considered full term at 37 weeks but it is generally thought that they can stay safely inside of Mama until 42 weeks. So, in reality, I should be looking at May 2nd as my best before date. Not today. I should be assuming that this baby will be born sometime in April, but not necessarily by, or even around April 18th.
In theory, I fully subscribe to this philosophy. I find myself getting frustrated when women or doctors try to rush a body’s natural inclination to allow labour to start and progress on its own. There is without a doubt a point in which labour needs to be coaxed medically if it isn’t happening, but too often I see this happening earlier than I believe is necessary.
Still, as today’s date has loomed, people have been asking more and more when I am due. They expect an answer. And when we find ourselves in the midst of April, an answer of “in April” is no longer appropriate. So my focus has narrowed into today’s date. I have repeated the syllables “A-pril eigh-teenth” over and over. Last week I said “next week” and earlier this week I said “Wednesday” or “tomorrow”. No matter how much I tried to avoid it, today’s date has become the big date.
What makes all of this even harder to swallow is that ever since my pregnancy bump started showing, people have been guessing that I will go early. My husband has been saying for weeks that the baby will be here any day. Yet here we are, on the “due date” and not only is this baby still hogging my uterus but I haven’t even had a single early labour sign to convince me that this baby is ready to move out any time soon.
Photo taken this morning
40 Weeks Pregnant
So, instead of ending, today it starts. Today starts the excruciating waiting period. Today is when I no longer have a “date” to look forward to or count down to. Today is when I simply must give everything over to the natural rhythms of my body and pray that I will go into labour on my own, when I am ready. Today I can no longer rely on schedules or plans. I just wait. And watch. And feel. And expect. And hope.
In the meantime, you can find me over here trying out all 40 ways to naturally induce labour… once I finish packing my hospital bag of course.
Fun Fact: Cameron was born four days after his due date, though labour started at three days after. I started showing early labour signs with Cameron around 35 weeks and had started to dialate around 37 or 38 weeks. I went into labour on my own, but still needed to be induced after my body failed to progress.
You look wonderful! Isn’t it amazing how much a human belly can fit a baby? My photos at 40 weeks make me look like I had swallowed a weather balloon. Honestly – I had an ENORMOUS BELLY! You look like a delicate flower compared to that, honestly.
As for the “Inducing labour naturally” page – I saw the words Castor Oil on there and immediately did a 180 back here to say, “Please, please, do not punish yourself with that!” The other things on the list are pretty harmless, but that’s just so wrong. Plus, it tastes vile.
Steph VW recently posted..Any excuse
Don’t worry. I’ll do very little on that list, truthfully. Definitely wouldn’t touch castor oil with a 10 foot pole. And I HATE fresh pineapple. Maybe I’ll convince myself that enough Mango Pineapple smoothies from McDonalds will have the same effect, but I am pretty sure that is not how it works. And Chinese food? Totally not appealing to me now (or really ever). I’ll probably just start pouring balsamic vinegar over all my food from now on (yum! Balsamic and cereal!)
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Wow, you look SO great Laura! I’m thinking of you and your family :)
Amelia @ House Pretty recently posted..Landscaping plans
Thanks Amelia! Can’t wait to see more pics of how good YOU are looking.
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Baby will come when he or she is ready…I don’t blame them for wanting to be all snuggled cozy inside Mama’s belly but it is tough now waiting it out. Guess now’s the time to get the hair and nails done and anything else that you won’t get a chance to get to once 3 becomes 4. Sending lots of love…
If I wasn’t worried about finances right now, that is TOTALLY what I would be doing. I would absolutely LOVE to have a lovely hair-do and freshly made up toes for my delivery. I’m pretty sure the last time I got a haircut was August. And my toes still have the slight remains of Christmas nail polish on them. At least I managed to cut them the other day. That was enough to make me feel productive for the week!
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Awww big momma I hope it is soon for you! I know you are ready to meet your new little addition!
Natalie recently posted..Sneak Peek of Nursery Bedding Fabric
Yes Please! Any time now would be great! :)
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
You look great!! :) maybe you will have an Earth Day baby! I hope all goes well, and you have a easy, safe labour.
Thanks! I would be totally happy with having the baby this weekend. That would make things SUPER simple since my family will be in town.
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
i hear you, I was due on monday and here I am, also still pregnant and my doctor tells me I could go until next week!
I think the hardest part about going over your due date (even though many women do go over) is the mental part of it. It is hard not to have a concrete time to look forward to. Good luck as you continue to wait and even better luck for when baby is ready to come! It won’t be too much longer! :)
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Oh yeah. The “this could’ve already happened and I’d love it to happen any day now” post due date mindset is SO hard! And the “when?” question from EVERYONE you encounter doesn’t help. I was 10 days “over” with Haydon. Relish the days you have to just soak up Cameron before a 4th person changes the family dynamic!
Rae recently posted..Steadying the Mother Ship
I feel so guilty because I feel like I no longer do a good job at soaking up my time with Cameron. I so look forward to our post-nap snuggles because they are pretty much the only time we are able to do something close, where he is willing to sit still and I don’t have to expend too much energy.
On the other hand, he has been turning into a real Mama’s Boy over the last few days, so maybe I am doing something right.
I will definitely try to focus on Cam and Mom time as we wait for Baby to make an appearance!
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
GO GET A PEDICURE! I’m serious. I got a pedicure 2 weeks before I was due and went into labor that night. I didn’t mean to induce myself–I even asked my ob that morning if a pedicure was ok b/c I’d heard it can trigger labor. He said it was fine, but we’ll never know, will we?
Rach (DonutsMama) recently posted..Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone
Oh goodness gracious, do I ever wish I could get a pedicure. I did a few weeks before Cameron was born (although the place I went was VERY careful not to do anything that would induce labour. They understood what could cause labour and wouldn’t go near those spots / scents no matter how much I begged!) I managed to cut my toenails a few days ago (I was exhausted afterwards, but felt like SuperWoman!) but I still have leftover nailpolish on from Christmas.
Alas, right now we just can’t afford for me to go and get a pedicure. It is one of those luxuries, you know? So I’ll continue to stare longingly at my toenails… when I manage to see them over my belly.
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Oh, the wait is so hard!! You will do great. And hey, you still look fabulous – love the photos! I always look at it this way – as long as that bubby is on the inside, you don’t have to share. Once they’re out, we don’t have exclusive dibs any more. ;)
Looking forward to hearing your news soon! x
adriel @ the memos recently posted..parenting to build relationships, not robots
Thank you! I completely remember feeling that way with my first. I almost wanted to hang onto pregnancy for as long as possible because I knew that he and I were experiencing such a special bond that could never be replaced. He would be born and then he would spend the rest of his wonderful life growing up and away. But sharing those two years of growing with him has been so exciting that I just want to start that process with this new baby. I want to meet this baby and find out if we are having a boy or a girl and decide on a name and I do want to share this new baby – especially with the big brother who is waiting patiently with me.
But, I will try to hold onto these last few days/hours and remember that this is a special shared experience with this new baby that I will never get to experience with him/her again.
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Yes, you certainly look 40 weeks :) In a very good way.
I’m not hanging onto my due date too much. I was 3 days early with #1, and already dilated at 36 weeks, my doctor is sure I might go a little early and quickly, which is okay with me!
Having said that, I know babies are babies. They’ll come when they’re ready. So I’m adjusting my expectations too. Due month is a good concept.
Whenever #2 comes, I wish you a safe delivery and can’t wait to meet the little guy/ girl!
Alison@Mama Wants This recently posted..I Wonder . . .
I dilated so early with Cameron that this lack of any labour signs freaks me out. I’m really holding on to the idea that many second labours progress much quicker – because if it progresses at the same rate it did with Cam’s pregnancy, I won’t be having this baby in any sort of natural way. It took me nearly five weeks, broken waters, and a pitocin drip to get me from 1 cm to 10 cms. I don’t have five weeks left in me! :)
I wish you a safe delivery when your #2 comes too! :) Who knows, maybe it will come before mine does!
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Hang in there the baby will be here ‘soonish’ I’m sure.
Thanks Christopher! I am sure when this baby does make an appearance it will seem like not a long time at all. :)
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
I was going to say, ‘it’ll seem like no time’ then I remembered a) I am a guy b) I have never been pregnant c) I hate waiting d) Meghan starting getting really stir crazy after she past the ‘Simeon was born this early’ spot, when she was pregnant with Ariella (about a week before her due date).
So after all that, ‘Hang in there’ was the best I could offer.
Christopher D Drew recently posted..Christian Student Vs. Atheist Professor- It’s not true
Haha! It is REALLY true. Even though I know this baby will be here sometime within the next 2 weeks, this past-due period is some weird mental vortex that feels like FOREVER when we’re in it. Normally 2 weeks is a short period of time but for me right now it feel like it might as well be 2 years.
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Goodness but you look fantastic! At least you’ve made peace with your body and aren’t the impatient lady I’d be!
4 years ago, I had my girl 4 weeks early due to complications… and my dear friend and neighbor, who was due 2 weeks after me ended up going 2 weeks past her due date. True story. (And yes, our kiddos are the best of buddies. They act like a little old married couple – finishing each other’s sentences, sharing without having to be asked, it’s adorable.) Anyway, I was home dealing with a teeny-tiny little one and every now and again we’d see each other on the sidewalk or in the backyard… and I’d run away, because while she had complete joy for me and my newborn, the anguish of continuing to carry her little giant (she’s a tiny person who had a nearly 9 pound baby…) was really taking its toll. I FELT GUILTY! :)
This time around, as she watches my belly expand way past where it was with my first, she just laughs with me. (Guess who’ll drive me if I go early and my husband isn’t around? Yup. That’s her…)
I admire your patience and strength, lady. Safe delivery and safe arrival for your new little one.
I admit, it is really hard to see someone who was due around the same time as me already get to hold their baby. Don’t get me wrong – I certainly am thankful I haven’t had any pregnancy complications that caused me to go into labour early – but by this point, women have had healthy deliveries and babies even while being due around the same date.
I think it is sweet that you have someone who can laugh with you about this! Because, yes, when you’re this large and uncomfortable, sometimes all you can do is laugh. :)
Laura recently posted..Pregnancy Plateau
Oh due dates… This last pregnnacy was the first itme I’d ever made it to mine, with all my kdis coming right on time – already born by their due dates.
I know how you must feel because I remember, every fibre of my being was convniced that wed morning, that the day would not end without labor and or a baby – it was not ALLOWED (but that labor must wait till afternoon as I had a much anticipated playdate that mroning). I talked to baby all day long. I walked up and down the steep hill on my street. Twice. I went for 24 and 29 and then had the dr do 33 when I was at my appt that evening. By 9pm I started feeling contractions and baby was born early in the morning.
I’m keeping these suggestions for next time, I epsiecally love the simple food things!
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