Setting goals frightens me.
It is always exceptionally easy to want to do something. It is even easier to dream about doing something. As soon as it becomes a goal though, especially a verbalized goal, the plan turns into a foreboding possibility of failure. As soon as a dream transforms into a goal, it will either be accomplished or not. And when it is not? It sure does feel a lot like failure.
And that is scary.
So more often than not, I avoid making goals. I avoid disappointing myself and making a fool of myself in front of others. I avoid even trying because then I know I won’t fail.
But without trying – without failing – I will never succeed either.
That might just be even scarier.
So, I made a goal. I made a goal with fear in my heart and concern that this might just lead to failure. But, I also made this goal feeling motivated. Screw failure! This goal? I wasn’t going to fail at. This goal? Would be accomplished.
Even if I couldn’t picture myself doing it – I would get there. Eventually.
I would run 5K. I would race 5K.
I started the summer off with nothing but an iPhone app, a set of headphones, the Glee soundtrack and a pair of sneakers. I ran for a minute at a time. Each time I ran, I knew my goal was becoming reality. Each step I took was getting me closer.
I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I didn’t know if I’d ever manage to run a five kilometre race. But I knew I could run a few times a week. I knew I could start off slow and work my way up. I knew I could run that night’s running program. My goal of running a 5K race transformed into a series of mini daily goals. I might not have been able to run for 5 kms yet, but I sure could run for one minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes…
I just kept going.
Until Sunday.
On Sunday, I stood among hundreds of other people. On Sunday, I waited or the blast. On Sunday, I ran my heart out under the mid-morning sun.
On Sunday, I finished a 5K race.
On Sunday, I achieved my goal.
Now, I just have to run a 10K. And a half marathon.
(For the record, I’m not quite ready to turn a full marathon from a dream into a goal just yet…)
Race: Support the Troops Navy 10K, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Distance: 5 km
Time: 30 minutes, 34 seconds
Pace: 6 minutes, 7 seconds per km
Place: 74/188
And now, it is your turn. I would love to connect with you on your healthy living journey. You can talk about whatever you want – your milestones, goals attained (or not), losing weight, eating better, exercising, or other healthy lifestyle changes and choices.
Link up below and be sure to include a link back here on your blog so that others can connect as well. Read and comment on each other’s posts. Grab the button.
If you are on Twitter, post a link to your blog with the hashtag #ThinnerThursday and I’ll retweet. I can’t wait to read about your Thinner Thursday.
Let’s encourage one another on to living healthier lives!
Hooray for your first 5K!!! I am so excited for you. And I love the post-race stroller pic. My kids always meet me at the finish line when I race. And I’ll tell you, when I ran the Philly marathon last fall, I couldn’t WAIT to see those little faces. And then, the baby stole my banana and the 3 year old demanded that I carry him up hill, about 3/4 of a mile, to the car. “My legs are tired,” he whined. “Mine, too, buddy. Mine, too,” I said. Motherhood is the marathon. Really.
Heidi Smith Luedtke recently posted..Let Little Successes Count
Haha – you are SOOOO right about that! Motherhood IS a marathon. I guess I can cross Run a Marathon off my to-do list!
I would definitely elist the hubby to carry the three year old up the hill at that point. Oy!
That’s fantastic, Laura! Congrats on finishing a 5k!
Misty @ The Family Math recently posted..Noah – 20 weeks
Thank you so much, Misty! I was so proud of myself for finishing it!
LOOKIN’ GOOD over here! Do you just love it?
GREAT job on your 5K. You must be so very proud. Nicely done, my friend!
Courtney recently posted..edit this, edit that
Courtney, I love it SO MUCH! Courtney K did an amazing job and I just can’t stop looking at it.
Thank you so much! I am very proud of my run for sure!
Congratulations to you, Laura, on so many things! That’s great that you have a “new home” for your blog; and Courtney, you did a great job designing it! Love the picture with Cameron after the 5K. Terrific time, too! Wow! xx
Thanks so much Moxie! I’m so glad you love the blog! I was so proud of that time – it was definitely a personal best!