We live eleven minutes from the beach. For the past four years we have lived 21 minutes from the beach (that should tell you roughly how far we moved). In all that time, (plus the previous three years I’ve lived in this city,) I have only been to the beach twice. Once last year, and once yesterday. I’m the worst Maritimer ever.
This summer, I wanted to go to the beach so badly! I wanted to go often! I have always loved going to the beach, and Cameron loved it last year. I was excited to watch Gavin feel sand between his toes for the first time and squeal as the chilly Atlantic ocean nipped at his feet. We have had beautiful days and many offers to join friends at the beach but unfortunately, we had to put any beach trips off until after we moved. There was just too much to do and until we moved, we couldn’t take a summer weekend away from the preparations.
Dan took the kids to the beach for the first time this summer while he was off on vacation (and I was working). I got into my nagging good-wife mode and tried to help him remember everything he would need to take with him. “Wipes? Sunscreen? Hats? Diapers?”
“Do I have to buy swim diapers?” Dan asked me.
Even before we started using cloth diapers regularly, we really liked cloth swim diapers. Disposable swim diapers certainly do not absorb more than cloth swim diapers and I would argue that they are more difficult to deal with when completely soggy. We have a couple swim diapers that we rotated through subsequent swimming lessons. But honestly, post move (and almost two years from the last swimming class we attended, [Note to self: Look into swimming lessons again!]) I do not have a single clue where those swim diapers might be.
“Nope! Don’t go buy any. Just grab one of the cloth diapers and use it without a liner!”
My friends over at Hipkiddo Cloth Diapers let me in on a secret last summer: Their Intelligently Hip cloth diapers work perfectly as swim diapers if you use them without the liner.
Dan took the boys to the beach that day with absolutely no complaints in the diaper department.
Summer is nearing it’s end and moving is finally behind us and I am sad to say that this is also my last blog post in my sponsored cloth diaper blog series. But even when good things end, there is always something to look forward to. Summer’s ending means starting new routines and fresh temperatures and some of my favourite holidays. Being done with moving means finally settling my family into this beautiful new house. And ending this blog series means running the biggest giveaway I have ever hosted!
Thanks to the lovely people at Hipkiddo Cloth Diapers who have provided the diapers for my own baby’s bottom, one of my readers will be able to fully diaper their baby’s bottom too! Hipkiddo and I are giving away one Hipkiddo Cloth Diaper Starter Kit (12 cloth diapers!) + Wet bag + Pail Bag of your choice!
To enter the giveaway, you just need to do one super simple thing. Comment on this blog post and let the giveaway app know that you have done so. After that, you’ll be given more options to receive more entries for the giveaway, but none of them are mandatory. Only do the ones you want to do as a bonus!
This giveaway will close at 11:59pm on August 31st.
Thank you so much to Hipkiddo for the fabulous year we’ve had together and for providing this awesome prize!
The small print: I use Hipkiddo cloth diapers on Gavin. They’re an awesome cloth diaper choice if you’re looking for green, affordable diaper options. Be sure to Like Hipkiddo on Facebook and follow on Twitter to hear about chances to save and win. Hipkiddo provided cloth diapers for the purposes of this blog series.
I want to try these diapers!! I’ve heard a lot about them! PS Molly also loves the beach :)
We also use a cloth diaper for the beach & the pool – I can’t remember the brand name but got it at Nurtured on Robie, and it works great!
I didnt know you could use cloth for swimming! good to know for future baby :)
Oh I would LOVE these!!!!!!
Lol, I just used a normal cloth diaper at the lake for swimming, what makes these ones special that you would not want the liner?
Gillian recently posted..Ready Yourselves
Liners, like regular diapers, will fill up very quickly with liquid, which is why you actually just want to keep pee and poop in a diaper and not really absorb it while swimming. (Disposable swim diapers work the same way). This is why all you need is a diaper shell that can withstand chlorine or salt water. With the liner, the diaper will get full quickly, heavy for the kid, and will be no more useful than a diaper without a liner.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..The End of Great Things = One Celebratory Giveaway
I love Gavin’s face in that photo.
Great giveaway!
Alison recently posted..Universal Laws
Isn’t it cute? He HATED the beach that day. Dan took them to the wrong one – he took them to the beach that the surfers go. The tide was in, there was hardly any sand (just rocks) and the surf was high. I was glad that Gavin liked it a whole lot better yesterday.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..The End of Great Things = One Celebratory Giveaway
We have used both cloth swim diapers and disposable. I do love the cloth swim diapers…and so cute!
Natalie recently posted..When Your Sweet Boy Isn’t So Sweet
I have no babies that need these. However, I am thinking of all those who struggle with getting enough good food to breastfeed. Wouldn’t it be great to win these and give them the financial break of cloth diapers and improve baby’s health?!
What a beautiful idea!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..The End of Great Things = One Celebratory Giveaway
We use a cloth pocket diaper shell for a swim diaper too! It works great!
Max loves the water and we’ve had no problems using cloth swim diapers. I would love to win this giveaway for my cousin expecting in September!
I’ve been wanting to try cloth diapers but I’ve been afraid to! I have enjoyed your blog series about them. Great giveaway (and cute kid)! :)
I love all cloth diapers, and have only used swim cloth diapers when bringing my little guy to the beach.
Beach days with family make such wonderful memories.
Me and my little family have only gotten to the beach twice this summer.
It’s a little upsetting we only got there twice considering we have a family beach cottage just overlooking the ocean with pei in the horizon.
Moving into a new house was defiantly our main priority this summer also!
I have used swim diapers and I will often use a fleece cover. Lots of beach and pool time this summer. It has been fabulous
Right now pampers swimmers which results in one sensitive skinned baby ending up one with a wicked diaper rash! Wish I could ditch the diapers all together at the beach, but she’s still too young to go without a diaper. Almost makes water/beach/pool days not worth the fussy baby following :S
this timing is perfect!! jay and i were just talking yesterday about whether or not to cloth diaper and this would make our decision awfully easy :)
candice recently posted..Happy Birthday to Me!
I’m pregnant with what will be my last baby, and although I’ve always wanted to cloth diaper, I never have. I would love the chance this time!
I have one on the way, so I’d love to start with cloth!
What a great giveaway! We’re nearing the end of our cloth diapering journey (using almost exclusively HipKiddo diapers!) so if I won I’d gift these to a new mama. So thank you and thanks to HipKiddo for being awesome.
K recently posted..Living it up this summer
I didn’t see the rules! We use a HipKiddo diaper sans insert for swimming. Much better than the disposables.
K recently posted..Living it up this summer
No worries! The “rules” are more of a suggested comment. All you needed to do is comment about anything! :D Glad you have had such success with Hipkiddo!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..The End of Great Things = One Celebratory Giveaway
I use a reusable swim diaper , the paper ones stink
Disposable swim diapers
With my older two boys, I used disposable swim diapers. The past few years we have started making beach trips an annual summer tradition, and I am looking forward to taking my new little one next summer!
i have a couple of swim diapers from iplay (i think) that i use for swimming and playing in the water. i also use diaper covers if one of the swim diapers isn’t handy.
little dude’s a little young for swimming but I know some ladies who use their cloth without the insert and that’s what I’m thinking of using :)
We use a cloth swim diaper, but didn’t know you could just use a regular one without the liner! Will have to try sometime :)
Disposable swim diapers
we use a cloth swim diaper
I have used my hipkiddo diapers, but also purchased a monkey doodlez swim diaper.
I’m TTC, but I’m planning on using cloth! no idea what brand… I do know Hipkiddo has awesome customer service, though!
Baby isn’t here yet, but I’ll probably use a reusable swim diaper.
kelly recently posted..Giveaway- Juppy Baby Walker (Ends 8/31)
We LOVE using our cloth diapers without theliner for swimmies! the kids love it too because they’re already familiar with the diapers :)
I bought my daughter a swimmi (bummis) and an applecheeks swim diaper (both size 2), but I realized she was still too skinny (she’s now 14 months) for that size, so I got a swimmi in size 1 that fits perfectly, and it’s great! I can’t imagine buying disposable swim diapers, they seem like they’d get so bulky when wet.
Monkey Doodlez swim diapers!
I felt like such a bad mom for only making it to the beach twice this summer :( We came to visit for six weeks so we COULD go swim in the water and let my little man play in / eat sand. I always use a cd sans insert as a swim diap too. I’d love to win the hip kiddo pack as I love trying new and different types of cd on my little munchkin :)
We have some swim diapers of various brands. I fully intended to take the kids to the pool at least once this summer but life got away from us. So the kids didn’t wear any of the awesome swim diapers, I didn’t get to see them enjoy the water and now we are left just hoping they don’t outgrow the diapers by next summer. I will do it next summer!!!
I could really use these diapers!! I have been cloth diapering part time because I only have 9 and it makes it really hard. I just have not been able to afford and more. This give away is really cool!!
I use disposable swim diapers only because I had som leftover from when my son was smaller. They fit my 20+ lb. 10 month old! Next year a cute reuseable swim diaper though!
Great Idea! I totally hadn’t thought of using a pocket diaper like that without the liner as a swim diaper. Great draw! Would be awesome to have a kit!
Forgot to add I used a bummis Swimmi as a swim diaper.
Expecting my first child this Valentine’s Day so I don’t have a preferred swim diaper yet but I’m sure ill use either a specific swim cloth diaper or a PUL shell. :)
I love cloth diapering! It’s great to be able to just use a diaper without an insert for a swim diaper.
My wee one is a bit too young still for the beach now, but cloth is def our diaper choice. Thanks for making me aware of this company.
Im expecting and plan on trying cloth swim diapers or a pocket diaper with out an insert
What an awesome blog! Love seeing fellow cloth diaper-ers!
I have always just used a cover or a shell for a pocket.
We use cloth swim diapers – the disposables work out to just under a dollar a swim and since we pretty much live at the beach all summer!
Great idea! We are planing on buying cloth diapers to try with our newborn when it gets here! Swim diapers would be awesome for the summer since we have a cottage on the beach we spend so much time at! I will have to try these!
I use un-stuffed pocket diapers.
I’d love to try these. The ones we use on Ethan, which we also used on Connor, aren’t quite going to make it, I don’t think.
Robin | Farewell, Stranger recently posted..Writing is a Process
I am hoping to win for a friend who mostly uses disposables due to only having one swim diaper
my son swim’s/ play’s in the sand naked.
I’ve used disposable swim dipes, a cloth swim diaper, and just regular cloth diapers. They all seem to work about the same!
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted..First Day of Preschool. AKA No Naps, All Crying, All the Time.
We use a Charlie Banana swim diaper or an Applecheeks swim diaper.
I plan to use cloth diapers to go swimming.
I plan to use cloth diapers to go swimming. And of course I’d use a hippokiddo diaper if I win! :)
I plan to use cloth diapers to go swimming. And of course I’d use a hippokiddo diaper if I win! :) I like that cloth comes in nice prints.
Ach, sorry about the multiple comments. It kept giving me an error message saying my post was too short. So as you can see, I made my post longer! ;)
So very sorry about that! I think that is an issue with mobile commenting sometimes. I’m SUPER sorry. Most of the times the comment does show up, even when it says that.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Silly me, I should have looked if my comment was showing up! I guess I know for next time! :)
I tried to do the feed burner subscription entry and got this error message “The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled”. Am I the only one having this problem?
GAH! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. My feed url has a dash in it and apparently the Giveaway tools isn’t seeing anything after that dash so it is reading the wrong url. No matter how many times I try to fix it, it won’t change. This means that I have removed this option from the giveaway. :(
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Disposables….but I’d love to switch to cloth for swimming!
Anne Sweden recently posted..Nuby Fun Pal Teethers Make Great “Friends”
its been too hot in indiana to take my daughter often but ive been using a pocket diaper with no insert :)
I use an Alva with no insert for a swim diaper because it had delaminated on me but didn’t want to throw it away, it was just too cute :)
I use an Alva with no insert for a swim diaper because it had delaminated on me but didn’t want to throw it away, it was just too cute :) p.s this giveaway is amazing!! How I win :)
I’ve never used cloth before and had no idea you could se it as a swim diaper. is that accepted at public pools? I know a lot of times I see signs saying must wear swim diapers posted around pools. is it worth the investment if you are having your last child. i’m in huge debate on whether or not to buy cloth or just continue with disposable.
They count as swim diapers, so YUP! Also, if you’re just wanting to go cloth for swimming, you can specifically get some cloth swim diapers (Just google it. There are some great brands that I have used in the past.) The goal with swimming is to just not get poop in the pool essentially, so anything that holds that in is golden (pun intended?). There are many of times that I have taken off disposable swim diapers just to have pee pour all over me. I hate them. Cloth do a much better job of keeping what needs to be in in.
As for switching to cloth for your last baby, there are lots of people who use cloth even with having only one child! Also, I know that some of my friends had to replace cloth after a child and a half anyway. So, it is definitely worth it. If you want to try before investing a lot, consider going to a second hand baby shop or looking on kijiji or seeing if your town has a diaper co-op. That way, you can just grab a few (and try a few different types) before fully committing to buying a whole stack of diapers.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..Book Review: Love Anthony
i use cloth swim diapers
Yeah! So happy to win this giveaway, Can’t wait to receive this great prize. Thanks again.