To maintain the utmost discretion, the list below is a compilation of experiences that friends have shared with me, along with some of my own experiences.
I have a very hard time remembering past moves. I vaguely remember pulling up to the front of residence in first year university to unload enough stuff to fill half of a room (which is still a surprising amount of stuff.) I probably did a very similar thing in second year when I moved into a shared house after a summer at home. I don’t even remember moving to Halifax in the fall of my third year, and I only very slightly possibly remember moving into the basement apartment that I lived in for my fourth year. Or maybe what I am remembering is when we moved out of that place? One of those times, my then-boyfriend-now-husband and I decided we could do the move ALL BY OURSELVES and we ended up unloading a moving van at 4am. I am not sure if I have ever been so close to hell in my entire life.
When my husband and I moved out of the swanky downtown apartment that was our first ever real home together and into our home for the past four years, a condo on the Darkside of town, I remember that we had help. I think. I have images of my uncle and my Dad carrying a bed out of the parking garage and into the waiting truck, already half-filled with a rocking chair from my childhood and a bedroom set from the home of my recently deceased grandparents. I remember sitting on my bedroom floor packing a box and I remember vacuuming that same floor right before shutting off the lights and closing the door for the last time. Apparently we moved during a hurricane, though in my memories, the sky is full of white fluffy clouds.
And apparently, I was pregnant.
I cannot imagine moving while pregnant. The idea of it sounds absolutely horrific. I would never ever do it.
Except I did. I remember finding out I was pregnant in swanky-downtown-apartment and I know we brought Cameron home to new-Darkside-condo. The math is clear: I moved while pregnant. But I honestly don’t remember that.
I definitely repress my worst memories.
I would never recommend moving while pregnant. In fact, I would rarely recommend moving at all, but if you have to, make sure to do it during those times when you absolutely will not be pregnant. (And don’t do it with a newborn either).
Luckily, if you’re not pregnant before you start house hunting, you likely won’t get pregnant in the process. From my experience (and the experience of some friends of mine), moving is an excellent and foolproof form of birth control. They say abstinence is the only thing that is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, but I’d also like to suggest that moving is a respectable rival.
5 Reasons Why Moving is Effective Birth Control:
1. Moving is Stressful
Did you know that stress can lead to irregular periods? Some women are like clocks. Everything happens on a very regimented schedule. And other women stop breastfeeding, change their medication, and start moving right around the same time. Hormones get all out of whack, periods strike (for what may actually be the first time post-baby) and they last for days. Weeks. MONTHS! Aint nobody feelin’ sexy in this situation.
2. Moving is Emotional
Even before you start fighting about whether you should be throwing out that old pregnancy test or whether there is enough money in the bank account to actually pay the down payment, house hunting can be soul crushing. You walk into a house and see your life there only to find out that your partner hates it. All of a sudden the man that you married becomes the monster who murdered your dreams. This isn’t Beauty and the Beast. You can’t cross-breed with a monster. Obviously.
That house I fell in love with that we didn’t buy.
3. Moving is Dangerous
Couches. Boxes full of books. Beds. Agreeing to move is pretty much akin to welcoming injury. And when a certain husband sprains his back from picking up an empty box a sofa, all those exciting plans of a Last Hoorah in the old house are immediately quashed.
4. Moving is Awkward
Imagine this: You’re packing up the bedroom. You open the super secret special drawer full of supplies and… um… stuff. You discretely pack it in a box, tape it up, and pick up the Sharpie. That is when you realize that your Uncle is helping you move. So is your Dad. And your pastor. And your former pastor. And your Dad is a pastor too. So you write “Bibles” on the box to avoid any embarrassment. Of course, when you fully move in, the only box you can find with that label actually has bibles in it. The box you were really looking for will not be found for three months. Coincidentally, that’s how long it will take you to christen your new house.
5. Moving is a Family Affair
Sometimes it isn’t possible to move directly from your old home into the new one and when that happens, kindhearted family members will often step in to offer you their house to crash in between moves. While you may have dreamed about shacking up with a lover in your childhood canopy bed when you were 16, it somehow loses its appeal when you’re fully grown and you’ve moved back under your parent’s roof.
Other times, moving can be so traumatic for your child that he stops sleeping through the night and insists on sleeping in Mommy and Daddy’s bed. And by that I mean, he insists on sleeping on top of Mommy. God forbid Daddy try to touch her too.
So, assuming you can make it to the beginning of your house hunting journey not pregnant, you should remain pregnancy-free until you’re moved in and at least mostly unpacked.
(Or maybe, ignore all of this and remember that intimacy when it is hard is actually probably when you and your spouse need it the most.)
Don’t forget, the giveaway to win a Cloth Diaper prize package from Hipkiddo is still on. Also, I am honoured to have been nominated to be on a Skinny Scoop’s Top 25 Canadian Mom Bloggers. In order to make the list, I need your votes. Just hit the like button under my face to vote. And finally, I am still on my way to running a half marathon in January with Team in Training. I’d love your support! Click here to donate, or sign up to run a Team in Training race yourself!
Haha I moved when I was 6 months pregnant it sucked lol I will not be doing that again at least I hope not
I saw you doing that on Facebook! Isn’t it so great when it is finally over though? But I hear you! Never move pregnant again!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Oh Laura, this is so wonderfully perfect and hilarious! I wish I could relate to any if these pregnancy issues, but I can however tell you I am a pro at moving! 9 times in 4 years! I resent it with an absolute fiery passion! I feel your packing, moving and unpacking pain 9 times over!
Thanks, Britnee. I’m so happy you found this funny. And holy moly! 9 moves in 4 years is WAY too many times to move! If I moved that much, I don’t think I’d even unpack! I hope you’re a little more settled now.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
all so true. Hahaha! Loved this bit of humor and looking at the lighter side of things :) Ain’t nobody feelin’ sexy. Made me laugh.
I’m glad I was able to make you laugh, Sarah! :) Sometimes when you’re moving, you need to find ways to laugh or else you’ll cry.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
We moved to our current place when I was in my first trimester with #2 – if we’d moved earlier, he might have come into the picture later :)
Moving IS stressful. I couldn’t be happier once we were settled.
Alison recently posted..Afros and Muffins
I’m sorry you moved pregnant, but I’m glad you’ve got your second little guy! He’s super cute.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
This: “…intimacy when it is hard is actually probably when you and your spouse need it the most” is a message for the ages. I might get this tattooed somewhere.
Andrea recently posted..DIY Photo Album
If you get it tattooed, I will too. Deal? Because yeah. I probably need to be reminded of it often, too.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
I have never moved while pregnant. Thank GOODness! Moving is hard enough as it is.
Lady Jennie recently posted..Why?
NO KIDDING! Honestly though, I do not remember moving while pregnant AT ALL. Sooo, it is kind of like I never moved while pregnant. :)
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
This is hilarious. We moved when Cady was about four months old. And we lived with my mom for about three months too before our new house was ready. I think we probably lived through all five of these. The only thing I can say is that you do come out of it alive and things kinda, sorta go back to normal.
Jennifer recently posted..Beef and Black Bean Quesadillas
I could not imagine moving with a baby that young either! Those first months of a baby’s life are some of the hardest for me. Way to go! And I’m glad it gets back to normal. Normalcy is good.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Moving is exhausting and stressful. And I have moved while pregnant – which is also stressful and more exhausting. It does take time to recover from a move – so much adjusting happens in a new space. :)
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted..The Shift
I bet it was nice bringing a baby into the new house though! That is the one great thing about moving when pregnant – you know you’re brining your new baby into a home that they can grow into for a while. I wanted that for both of my babies, but it never happened. It WAS lovely to move my children into a house that they can grow into and I have already seen the youngest one flourish here!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
SERIOUSLY. I think the only thing better for birth control might be actually building a house together!
Greta recently posted..Gluten Free Friday: Sweet Potato Beef Hash
Ha! No kidding. Man, that makes me realize, I TOTALLY should have asked my Mom to guest post for me. My parents moved + built a house + lived with my grandparents while it was being build when my sister and I were seven and four. Things must have been slow for them for a while. …and that’s about all I’m thinking about that.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
We moved May 1,2010. Our girl arrived June 17, 2010. Moving while pregnant stinks so badly!
Are you guys finished your recent move? Moving SUCKS. I can’t imagine moving THAT LATE into a pregnancy. Holy! I hope you were able to sit back and watch it happening around you.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Oh my gosh, this is too funny. I remember thinking my husband was a “dream killing monster” because we could not agree on a house. And packing the super secret special drawer. So awkward.
Stevie recently posted..My Heart Runneth Over
It is SO hard when something you feel so strongly about isn’t felt by your husband! I could not understand why he couldn’t love that other house like I did. The gorgeous white french doors! The perfect kitchen! The light-filled family room! We went back to that house a second (maybe third time) the same day we walked through the house we both loved. Although I miss that kitchen and those french doors, I know that waiting until we both loved something was the right choice!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
Oh my this is so right! I can’t imagine how you moved with two kids…since I moved a bunch before kids and DREAD the day we move. Moving is stressful and hopefully I won’t be pregnant when we do move :)
At first, moving (well, really PACKING) with 2 kids was the hardest thing. Once Dan sprained his back I realized that moving with two kids and a bed-ridden husband was so much worse! I could not have done it without help from family and friends! We were super lucky on moving day!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
I remember pretty much all our moves quite clearly. But there was no nookie involved, so…
Robin @ Farewell, Stranger recently posted..Writing is a Process
So, it’s true! :) You’re certainly not alone!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
I was WAY pregnant when we moved here in 2009! I always said I would never move when pregnant either but well, we can’t always predict the future, now can we? ;-) I’ve blocked a lot of it out too.
Elaine A. recently posted..Snack Attack! Green Giant Veggie Chips
I hope we’re here for a LONG LONG time. Long after I’m done having kids. I hope I can AT least predict that.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
What about moving THREE TIMES while pregnant, once across the country???!!! Baby #2 is due beginning of October, but we can’t seem to stop moving! At 21wks we packed up the car and drove from Halifax to BC to live with my parents until hubby could find a job. 2 months later he found a job, but in Alberta so we packed up again and moved to Alberta. Now we are hoping/praying to find a permanent home (living with family again) in Alberta, so that we can move again, for the third and LAST time. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I can’t wait to be in our own space. We are so blessed to have family to bunk with while we find that space, but I don’t want to ever move, even once again while pregnant. It’s far to stressful and exhausting without being pregnant!
I am exhausted just THINKING about that! Ugh! I’m so sorry you’re moving so much, but I’m glad you have family to catch you! Good luck finding your own space and good luck relaxing as you wait for the baby to come.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
The apartment where we’ve been living since January? It’s awful. We entered into the lease without seeing it in person, based on photos from an Internet rental listing and the not-entirely-honest description given by the landlord. I wish we could have taken a house hunting trip in advance, but between Hubs’s thesis writing/class schedule and the crazy amount of work we were doing trying to get our previous house into sale condition, it wasn’t feasible to fly across country. Plus, I wasn’t even pregnant yet when we signed the lease. Our needs now aren’t the same as they were in October. At the time, the apartment sounded completely adequate, was a good price, and was in a cool location in a historic house right downtown. We were dismayed when we arrived. And that was before we knew about the triplets.