(psssst: I have to tell you that this post is sponsored by Netflix. But don’t let that make you click away. Because I need your suggestions. And also, I have something you can win… So, stick around, would ya?) If you haven’t noticed yet, we’re in a new season. I mean, I guess it should…
Love is… waiting to watch the next episode
(psssst: I have to tell you that this post is sponsored by Netflix. But don’t let that make you click away. The post is mostly about Love. And that’s fun-ish to read about, right?) Well, Valentine’s Day is long over, and if I’ve understood social media correctly then you’ve all be loving each other very well…
A Whispered Promise
I see potential in everything. It is one of my charms, actually. I used to think it was optimism, but I think it is slightly more nuanced than that – especially because I can see potential without feeling optimistic. (And what a heartbreaking place that is to be.) This is why I usually love new years…
The Worst Christmas Present Ever (Or, That Time No One Knew How Strong I Really Was)
Gavin asked Santa for Netflix on his Nintendo DS. (And here is where I say that this is one of my Netflix blog posts, written because I am a StreamTeam blogger but is actually a hilarious story I would have told regardless of whether I was sponsored by Netflix or not, so just keep reading!) It…
It’s Like Being an Adult at Christmas
I know that Christmas can be a hard season for anyone over the age of 10. As a kid, Christmas is a day full to the brim with the wonder of newness and excitement and surprises and magic. But as we age, expectation slowly starts creeping in, fogging the light that is that Christmas wonder….
Two Mugs: The Gift of a Girlfriend Date
Every once in a while, I write about the realities of making friends as an adult. It isn’t easy. Being an adult can be downright lonely. I have recently come to the conclusion that much of the problem lies with me. Deep-seated fears from adolescence leave me assuming that no one really ever wants to spend…
A Real Life Horror Story
There will almost certainly not be carved pumpkins in front of our house this Halloween. I mean, it is already Halloween, we only have one pumpkin as it is, we’re entering the third week of sick that is lingering in our family and I am now trying to figure out what it really means to…
Consciously UnBusying When You Need a Break
What a month. I started September feeling like it actually wasn’t going to be as nuts as many Septembers often feel. As a family, not much changes for us this month. When people asked if I, like many mothers, were ready for her kids to go back to school, I could never really be too honestly…
On Letting Go And Holding On And School Snacks
I really have very little clue about what goes on at school. This is such a culture shock when we parents are used to knowing everything about our children’s lives during their first half-decade. Before a child is old enough to go to school, he is either at home with a parent or he is at a daycare where…
Continental Drift
When I started my blog, I planned to write about my faith way more than I currently do. It is why the title includes the word “miracles”. I didn’t name this blog Mommy Miracles because it was a miracle that I got pregnant. And, while I did have two miscarriages before my second child, the…
Missing This Would Be An Oversight
Next year, Back To School is going to go smoother, (I say, despite the fact that for the first time ever, I will have TWO children going to school.) Whatever, a girl can dream. You could assume that Back To School did not go smoothly for me this year. You would be correct.