Don’t hate me. No one wants to start talking about making school lunches again, least of all me, especially since I wrote this while my husband was on vacation, which meant that for the first time since summer started, I did not have to make a bagged lunch every morning! There were two glorious lunch-free weeks…
Rocking This Parenting Thing | A Netflix Giveaway
My husband and I argue about music all the time. If we’re being honest, it is probably worse in the car. If I am going to listen to music, I want it to be something I definitely like and probably also want to sing to. I’m the type of person who likes to have all the…
Back to School on a Budget
I love back to school. I love how it always feels like a brand new, fresh start. I love all the opportunities ahead; opportunities to learn and achieve and succeed. I even love back to school shopping. I love the chance to start fresh while looking your best. I love getting and then saving that one…
He Says/She Says Reviews: Dark Matter
Dan and I have been watching a lot of Netflix this summer. This is because of three reasons: We are leaving the house less because we’re trying to be a little more frugal. We cancelled cable¹. We are trying to spend a little more time being together doing — whatever. Now when we turn on…
When Doing the Unnoticeable Things
My husband is doing a project at work where he finds people who are making a difference and tells their story through video. It is a really wonderful initiative as it is so important to highlight efforts within a community that otherwise might go unnoticed. I have become a bit of a resource to him as…
How to Have Fun while Saving Money This Summer
I can’t be the only parent who dreads doing all those fun summer activities, right? I mean, theoretically, family summer activities are incredibly life-giving and memory-making and fun-inducing. But in reality? I have three kids 6- and under. Doing anything means an excessive amount of planning and packing and lost naps and dirt and sun and tears…
Put Them to Work
Please excuse the mess. The children are making memories. Is that how the saying goes? The truth is that the mess you see in my home means that I have a husband who works way more hours than full-time and three little boys who seem to actively try to undo any of the housework I…
22 Things to do on National Goof Off Day
Before we were married, before we were dating, and before we had even met in person, my husband used to start every day with an MSN message to me that said, “Do you know what day it is?”. He would then proceed to tell me what weird and wacky “national holiday” it was. Without that schtick, we would…
The First Time He Proposed
I’m sitting here at my computer at 11:30 pm on St. Patrick’s Day night and I am having a serious flashback. I forgot about the importance of today in our lives until just at this very minute when it hit me. 11 years ago… I was in my first year of university and I refused…
Why I Love Fuller House Even More Than Full House
Whatever happened to predictability The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV? You miss your old familiar friends Waiting just around the bend This old world’s confusing me You know these words right? I get chills just typing them out. I hear the “Ahhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh” and the drum line that leads into “Everywhere you look…” The Tanner…
More Than A Manny
Whenever I would tell my husband that I wished he would come home, he’d joke that it wasn’t really him I wanted, but a manny (definition: male nanny). He assumed that I only wanted help with the kids and the home, preferably from a male help-mate. The truth is, he was right. I craved help in…