I often wrestle with what it means to be beautiful and how I live that out. I’m a huge believer that beauty shines from the inside out, but when it comes to what I see in the mirror, I can’t seem to apply that rubric. As someone currently struggling with my own self-esteem, I can…
Mental Health
Running to Love.You.
I’m an objectively positive person. I realize it is odd to claim something that feels quite subjective, but actually, in doing some strength-based testing at my job, it turns out that I can claim “positivity” as one of my top five attributes. I shouldn’t be surprised. No matter my age, the most common compliment I…
Bent by Lent
Sometimes, when you can’t seem to find Lent, Lent finds you. Knowing me means knowing that I love the big two liturgical seasons in the church calendar. I didn’t grow up in a church that particularly focused on the liturgical calendar however we still intentionally entered into Lent and Advent. We participated in in our…
Let’s Talk about Maternal Depression and Anxiety
I was at my work computer early one morning, before many of my colleagues had arrived when I googled “How to find out if I am depressed”. If the Internet was good for anything, it should be able to help me self-diagnose what was going on. Right? Growing up, I had an interesting relationship with…
Searching for Spring
I once loved winter. It used to be my favourite season. It contained my favourite holidays,Christmas and Valentine’s Day (otherwise known as my birthday). The crisp fallen snow on a lawn made everything look so peaceful and quiet and beautiful. And crunching in that snow for the very first time to create footprints made me…