I have so not been in the mood to blog today. It is HOT y’all. Can I just say, I am so glad to not be pregnant in this heat! It is hard enough snuggling with a hot baby all day. Momma’s sweaty, baby is sweaty – we have pit stops every couple of hours for sponge baths so we both feel a little fresher.
What is difficult is finding any energy or will to work out in this weather. My goal is to stay as cool as possible – and Jillian Michaels certainly isn’t going to help me out. What does help? Ice cream. Popsicles.
Anyway, this week, I was so pumped up. I started working out every evening (the only time when I know I will have half an hour to myself). I was so excited to come here this Thursday and let you all know that I worked out five or six days in a row!
And then, Cameron turned four months old. And the night before his four month birthday (Monday night), the Four Month Wakeful hit.
Have you heard of the Four Month Wakeful (also known as Wonder Week 19)? It makes it utterly impossible to get my son off to bed by his bedtime. IM. POSS. eh. BLE.
Essentially, Cameron is going through a mental growth spurt of sorts. And, to tell you the truth, it has been really exciting! I saw a drastic change in him completely overnight. When he plays in his jungle excersaucer now, he totally knows that pushing a button will make music play (only a few days ago he would just hit randomly until something happened). He is much more aware and interested in his surroundings, and this makes going to bed difficult.
I will put Cameron to bed at his regular time, and he will fall asleep… only to wake up about 20 minutes later, completely interested in everything that is going on. This continues for about three or four hours. And it completely eats up my workout time.
So, now that I’ve explained to you why I haven’t done hardly worked out at all this week, I present you with the weigh in:
Week 1: 165 lbs 12 oz
Week 2: 165 lbs 2 oz
Week 3: 164 lbs 10oz
Week 4: 163 lbs 9 oz (loss of 1 lb)
Week 5: 163 lbs 12 oz
No real change. At least I didn’t gain, but I didn’t loose either. So, I really have to try to work through the heat and the late nights and work harder next week.
But when I’m not working out? I’m going to continue to try to beat the heat. And so will my baby. Cameron is now only in clothes if he has to be. I might start implementing his cool down method of drooling all over himself. Whatever helps, right?
I was up 1.2 pounds this week :(. Which means, I have lost 10 pounds overall. But I didn't go last week which sucked. And this is the first tie since I started that I have been up instead of down. Oh well :(
BUT, I found that the BEST time to go grocery shopping is after working out, because you don't want to buy anything unhealthy! haha
Come to Saint John – lots of natural AC. In fact, when I walked this am, there was so much fog that everything was dripping, including me at the end. Not sure if you know or not, but I started back to WW about 4 weeks ago after stalling for such a long time at around 163. I started on Feb 17th at a high of 172.8 and got to 162 the end of March and stalled there – so on June 11 I started Weight Watchers (again) with a starting weight of 163.6. This morning, July 9th, after 4 weeks, I am down to 155.8 which is what I weighed at your wedding. My goal is to try to get to the top of where I am in the right bmi range…which would mean about another 9 or 10 lbs…by Amy's wedding or shortly thereafter. That is pretty aggressive – so I'm not holding my breath..but I am feeling better and things are fitting better. It is a struggle though and VERY hard to do on your own. I commend you Laura – and Amy. Keep at it – it is never a failing proposition when you make a determination to eat better and get more exercise. And here's a suggetion for another cool treat. Get some seedless grapes, wash and then spread them out on a cookie tray and stick them in the freezer to freeze. When they are frozen, take them off the tray and put them in a plastic bag and use them as a cool treat on the hot days in place of ice cream. They are great and filling and healthy and delicious! Love you all.