*Like other semi-regular weekly posts, I am going to try to write a faith-related post on Sundays. I recognize and understand that not everyone who might read this has the same faith beliefs that I do. Please read, if you want, because this is part of who I am, part of the mother that I am.*
Cameron takes his first nap starting between 10 and 11am. This is great except for Sundays because church and nap directly overlap. This means that either Cameron naps and we skip church, or we go to church and we deal with the consequences of Cam skipping his nap.
Lately however, I’ve been trying really hard to get to church. When we’re there, it is really cool to watch Cameron interact with the service. We have made it to church the past three weeks consecutively. I don’t just want to go to church because we have a kid now. It is really important for Dan and I to go as well.
Unfortunately, we missed church this morning. (I have a good excuse – I was driving to our neighbour province to hang out with my sister for a week as she prepares to get married on Saturday!) But, I thought I still needed to spend some time reflecting on faith and my relationship with Christ. I’m someone who finds it easiest to explore my inner-most thoughts through writing, so I figured what better way to do this than through my blog.
A couple of weeks ago, I was really moved and convicted by a sermon. This sermon was all about glorifying God, and how everything is made to glorify God. Every situation has the opportunity to glorify God through it.
I started thinking about my life and where I am glorifying God. I didn’t come up with much. I try to spend time regularly blogging about my life, but very rarely does this blog serve to glorify God.
Currently my son is the centre of my universe. This means that he is getting all of my attention and all of my energy. Unfortunately, this is not good for anyone. The thing with taking care of a baby is that it takes all of your energy. It leaves very little for other parts of my life. But, it means that I’m not being a very good wife. And I’m not being a very good Christ follower.
The sermon on Sunday made me realize a few things. First, that God is all about his glory. Jesus spent time making sure that every situation, whether good or bad, was used to glorify God. And creation is all about God’s glory.
And then I realized something that really made me love my son even more and made me realize what a wonderful God I have. Cameron was made for God’s glory. And Cameron is already doing his job. Through him I have learned so much. So much about love and about the relationship God the Father has with his children. And I am constantly being taught my limitations and my abilities. I am forced to lean on God more. I have been given the privilege to be face to face with one of God’s miracles every day.
I am going to try harder to become theocentric instead of Camcentric. I am trusting that in working towards this, I will also become a better wife and mother in the process.
I hope Cameron always realizes how special he is. I hope he continues to live for God’s glory, just as he is without even trying now.
How cool is that, Cameron? Look what God promises you! Look how absolutely special and loved you are!