Cameron’s mysterious illness has been diagnosed.
And by “diagnosed”, I mean that Dr. Google (with an MD from Wikipedia U) has diagnosed it. Because walk-in clinic doctors are clearly under-qualified*.
I’m pretty sure Cameron has Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Here is how I diagnosed Cameron.
Symptoms Cameron displays:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Malaise
- Non-itchy body rash followed by sores with blisters on palms of hands and soles of feet (a few hand and feet lesions started showing up today)
- Sores and blisters on the buttocks of small children and infants
- Irritability in children and infants
- Loss of appetite
Symptoms that could explain Cameron’s behaviour:
- Headache
- Ear pain
- Sore throat
Symptoms that Cameron does not display or that I have yet to notice:
- Vomiting
- Painful oral lesions
- Oral ulcer
- Diarrhea
As you can see, Cam could very well have HFMD. And I can thank Dr. Google for listening to my complaints and giving me an adequate diagnosis.
Now here is the question: Do I go see a real doctor? Cam seems very uncomfortable and unwell, but according to Wikipedia, since HFMD is a virus, doctors rarely prescribe anything. It tends to run its course within a week. Only very rarely are there serious complications.
I hate being in this position. I hate having to second guess a doctor because my instincts just don’t jive with a doctor’s conclusions. Really, who am I to question a doctor? I am Mommy. And I know my son best. And I know that he is sick.
And what if Dr. Google is wrong? What if Cameron has something more serious?
I am going to keep trusting my Mommy-instincts and I will pay close attention to my child. If he seems to be deteriorating, I will go to a doctor again. I will insist that they re-diagnose Cameron’s illness and I will leave with a better understanding of what is going on with my son.
So, thank you Dr. Google for listening to a concerned Mommy. Thank you Dr. Google for taking my concerns seriously. Thank you Dr. Google for giving me a diagnosis that makes sense.
Photo taken today.
9 months, 1 week, 3 days old
*I don’t really believe that walk-in clinic doctors are under-qualified. I completely trust going to any doctor in Canada.
You are always entitled to a second opinion. Or third or forth until you are comfortable it has been diagnosed correctly and have management options you are happy with. Don't under estimate your instincts Mom :) Hope Cam the cutie is well again soon.
It's just reassuring to know what's wrong with him! But you're right, unless he gets worse it's probably better just to help him relax at home until he gets better. On the other end of the spectrum you could get a doctor who decides to over-diagnose and/or over-medicate him (one of my biggest fears when it comes to my son!) so yeah – trust your instincts! Mommy usually knows best. Google is always my first stop for medical diagnoses :)