For so long I have been holding onto a certain dream. Sometimes it felt like it was within my grasp, other times I felt it slipping through my fingers. Still other times, I had to forcefully forget about it so that I could be grateful for what I have. When I pictured my life, I pictured it in this dream. When I pictured my family, it was always here, in this dream.
A house. A home.
Since very early on in my pregnancy with Cameron, we have been living in a 800 square foot, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment. In the past four years, it has welcomed two babies along with all of the stuff that goes along with being a family of four. It has been, to put it lightly, tight.
There have been days – many days – where I have absolutely hated living here.
A few months ago we decided to start the mortgage acquiring process to see where it would lead us. It led us to our home.
Waiting for us is a house in a family-friendly neighbourhood with double the bedrooms, double the bathrooms, and more than double the square footage of our current dwelling. With a fenced-in backyard, a neighbourhood park right behind our house, and a larger one down the street, we know that our family finally has a place to put down roots.
Our home.
With a move date of July 27th, we have less than two weeks to finish packing (for a little apartment, we have a lot of stuff), and I feel like we have barely even scratched the surface. In order to save this blog from either my seriously stressed-out tirades or else complete abandonment altogether, I have some friends who will be sharing their stories of house and home with you. I am excited to bring these bloggers here for this series, and I am sure you as my readers will welcome them with open arms. And when the series is over, I’ll be (mostly) settled in our new place, with lots more stories to share with you.
I’m so excited and happy for your family!! can’t wait to read what everybody has to say. :)
Thanks Greta! It is going to be a GREAT series!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..Writing Home
Yay! Moving is so exciting! Can’t wait to read this series!
Katie Sluiter recently posted..Project 365 {week 28}
I thought it was exciting too. Now I’m two weeks out and I’m pretty sure my head is going to explode and we’ll never be ready!!!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..Writing Home
Moving is stressful, but it will be so worth it. Can’t wait to read about your adventures and your guest post series!
Poppy recently posted..Don’t Melt Running in the Heat
I can’t wait to get the stress over with! At least I don’t have to stress about the blog too much over the next little bit! :D
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..Writing Home
Super excited to be a part of this series! Its was so much fun.
Cant wait to see how it looks and to see the other guest posts too.
Thanks again Laura for this opportunity!
Alma Pacheco recently posted..…and in the morning I’m making wallets
congrats, sometimes dreams come true!!!
Thanks Jeny! I definitely like to think so!
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..Writing Home
I am SO happy for you and your beautiful family!
Cannot wait to see all the gorgeous photos of it, your stories of memories to be created there, AND of your boys growing up in it.
Alison recently posted..Cake For Breakfast
Thank you Alison! I can’t wait to start doing more home-posts too! ..although, let’s be real. Moving into a bigger home doesn’t give me more time unfortunately. I’m afraid my big dreams of a beautiful homemaking blog is a little far-fetched.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..When You Just Know
I hope that your move goes well and the kiddies adjust!! Adorable home!!! Can’t wait to read the series.
Thank you Heather! I think the kids will adjust perfectly, especially once they realize all their stuff is coming with us. That has been the hardest thing for Cameron to grasp. When we were looking at homes, he wanted the ones with the good toys.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..When You Just Know
I’m so excited for you. You guys are going to love having a house, and the boys won’t know what to do with all of that extra room.
Jennifer recently posted..Show Me Your Face!
SERIOUSLY! I never thought I’d be most excited for a backyard but it is big and green and fenced and has a tree right in the middle of it, and my kids will be able to run around and play safely outside – if they don’t die from the sheer delight of it first.
Gavin learned to walk JUST THIS MONTH so that he’ll be ready for it.
Laura O’Rourke recently posted..When You Just Know
Now they need a swing!
Jennifer recently posted..Show Me Your Face!