How far along?: 12 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: down 0.2 lbs from last week, which is funny because I feel HUGE at the moment!
How big is baby: My baby is the size of a Plum!
Maternity clothes?: Still the same answer as last week. I haven’t gotten anything since the maternity pants for work and the bra. I am seeing the need in the not too distant future though.
Stretch Marks: Nope – not yet.
Sleep:More please! I am still so exhausted! Apparently this starts to subside as I enter the second trimester, but I am still so tired now!
Best moment this week:I had my first real baby dream where my baby looked so real and beautiful! It was a girl! I loved her!
Movement: Still too early.
Food cravings: CHEESE!!! and carbs. I could really go for some shells right now, but Dan’s giving me a hard time for it. Boo!
Food aversions: Chicken. Bleh.
Gender:Dan still thinks boy. After my dream, I’m leaning towards girl.
Labor signs:Oh goodness no!
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss:Sleeping on my back. I miss this so much!
What I am looking forward to:My next doctor’s appointment, at 14 weeks.
Weekly wisdom: Sleep when you need to! (I just need to live by this advice now).
Milestones:Getting through the first trimester! Hoorah!
Stay tuned for a belly pic later this afternoon. It might be a greasy belly pic as I’ll be working all day in the hot hot heat, but it will be a picture of my huge belly none the less. Why is it so huge?!
Edit:Fat belly time! So, I was too tired and cranky to take a “bump” picture after work, so I tried to use the timer on the camera the next morning. I’m pretty sure that the camera was focused on a cereal box behind me, so be prepared for a blurry baby bump. Do I look bigger yet?