Mommy-guilt isn’t a new concept to anyone. If you’ve been a mother, you’ve experienced Mom-guilt. If you know a mother, you know about Mom-guilt. It is pretty much understood that by having the extraordinary responsibility to raise exceptional human beings, a parent is going to feel less than suitable for the position every once in…
We’ve taken some big steps together, Little One. Well really, you have taken some of the biggest steps. And I am so proud to watch you grow and learn and make these big, first steps. But Baby, each one of these steps? Is a step away from me. For nine months we were closer than anyone…
I still have a baby. I still have a baby. I still have a baby. … a baby who walks. In this past months, Cameron has gone from taking his first steps to walking almost everywhere he goes. It is so precious. Dan and I just sit in the living room and giggle as he toddles…
Remember when I mentioned those hateful mothers who brag about their sleeping babies under the guise of helping other mothers out? (I would link to it but my iPhone blogging app crashes whenever I try to add any rich text formatting). Whenever these mothers opened their pretty little mouths to let me know that someday…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to my Eight Month Old
My precious baby Cameron, On Saturday you became eight months old. It is funny thinking back eight months. I never really thought I’d have an eight month old – not because I didn’t think you’d ever get to this age, but because I am so often stuck in the constancy of the moment, despite the…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Six Month Old
**Cameron turned six months old yesterday.** Half a year. That’s how long you’ve been an outside baby, Mr. Pants. That’s how long you’ve been in our world. That’s how long I’ve been able to hold you in my arms. Half of a glorious year. The other night, you and I were snuggling in bed, and…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Five Month Old
Monster Tooth, Five months ago today, you became an outside baby and somehow, a very little you made the very big world a better place. I had no idea how much you would change my life in these past five months. Because of you, I am able to experience the joys of motherhood. Because of…
Thinner Thursday
We finally got a huge reprieve from the heat this week. We’ve definitely had some hot days, but they haven’t been unbearable and they’ve been bookended by glorious rain storms. Rain is beautiful and refreshing and cozy and relaxing. I love being snuggled in bed hearing the rain pounding outside. On nice days, I’ve been…
Mommy Pictures: A Day in the Life
No one can ever tell me that this job is easy. My Hungry Monster still wakes up at least twice, sometimes three times a night. We normally wake up at 1 or 2am, 4 or 5am, and then sometimes at 6am. The last wake-up is usually because my baby is gassy or otherwise uncomfortable. I…
The Cutest Thing Ever
I might have mentioned it before, but I LOVE being a Mom. I always knew that I would love to have a baby, but I never imagined it being this great. Sure, there have been some frustrating moments, but my little boy has recently figured out how to show me that it’s all worth it:…