Cameron has always been my little boy. There has never been any doubt about that. For a full year he was attached to me. My body fed him. My skin warmed him. My sounds soothed him. As soon as he could show a preference for anyone, he reached for me. He cried for me. He…
Thirteen Pounds
If you remember back to last week, I was home with a sick baby. I got right back into the my old stay-at-home-mom habits and after one too many days of not getting dressed, not doing my hair or makeup, and munching whenever I got hungry, I started to feel like crap. It is amazing…
In what I am sure is going to be an overarching theme during this entire year, our household was struck with illness once again this past weekend. I keep thinking we’ve tried every sickness that could possibly be spread at daycare, and then… …and then Cameron starts pussing from the eyes. So, on Monday (and…
Ankle Biter
I held on to my son while mixed feelings of longing and rushing swept through my body. I didn’t want to let go, but I needed to get to work. Dropping him off at daycare is just another errand in my busy day. I took his coat off, set down his bag and was just…
Look What I Made
On Thursday, I trudged home from work feeling blue from the many sunless days that Halifax was experiencing and frustrated that it started raining just as soon as I stepped out of my office building. Of course, I was wearing a dress, my legs were mostly bare and my toes were growing numb. As I exited…
When You’re Dancing With Your Honey…
…and his nose is kinda runnyand you think it’s kinda funny,Well it’S NOT*Typical. That’s my son for you. A typical snotty nosed kid. I love kids. I always have. But I used to get so grossed out when parents would let their kids run around with snot all over their faces. Grossest thing EVER! Shouldn’t…
It Happens Without Me
Kids hurt themselves. I’m not completely naive as to believe that this doesn’t happen. Children are learning to navigate and understand this world. Everything is new. Each movement, each discovery, each taste is something to add to their repertoire of experiences. They try, they test, and they do things that are completely foreign and exciting…
Breast Man
I am a big proponent of breastfeeding. Alright, I don’t push women into choosing to breastfeed or chastize them for choosing formula. I don’t give the stink eye to Mamas as they pull out their bottles to feed their little ones. I do wish Mamas felt more comfortable to breastfeed in public, even without covering up…
We’ve taken some big steps together, Little One. Well really, you have taken some of the biggest steps. And I am so proud to watch you grow and learn and make these big, first steps. But Baby, each one of these steps? Is a step away from me. For nine months we were closer than anyone…
iPhoneography: Perfect Day
If you’ve been reading my blog lately, you’ll know that March hasn’t been the easiest. Returning to work, Starting daycare, Sick days, Car accident, … I am just so ready for this month to be over with. And this week I seriously believed I had hit rock bottom and gotten a hypothetical concussion in the…
Sick of the Sick
Daycare is going fine. The teacher is nice, the kids have fun, and Cameron is so messy and played out by the end of the day that it is super easy to get him bathed and in bed. Except that daycare isn’t going fine. Not at all. Because we’ve been struck with The Daycare Plague….