I turn 30 on Sunday, and earlier this week, my husband asked me what I want for my birthday. He told me to answer him that night, but he didn’t ask again, so I assumed that he had forgotten and that I had more time. It was great because I had (and still have) absolutely no…
36 Reasons Why I Love My Husband
Today is Dan’s birthday and while I joke with him that he has he has a fairly healthy ego as it is if you can’t praise someone on their birthday, when can you? There’s a reason I married this guy, and a reason I still love being married to him. And so today I’m going…
#CoupleGoals #NetflixandChill
So, they say that having a television in your bedroom halves your sex life. (Am I allowed to say that on a “family friendly” blog? I mean, you all know I have three kids, right? And that even though I go to church every few weeks, I’m no virgin… I don’t think acknowledging that I…
Let’s Talk about Maternal Depression and Anxiety
I was at my work computer early one morning, before many of my colleagues had arrived when I googled “How to find out if I am depressed”. If the Internet was good for anything, it should be able to help me self-diagnose what was going on. Right? Growing up, I had an interesting relationship with…
Last First Cake
Logan’s first birthday was Tuesday. I know, if this were my first baby, I’d already have a letter written to him and pictures up. But this is my third baby, so I went to sleep on Monday night full of anxiety because maybe I didn’t do enough for his birthday. Maybe I wouldn’t have enough…
When Holidays are Hectic
Christmas may be over, but the holidays are still in full force. School doesn’t go back for us until Monday which means bedtimes are still a little lax. And while our tree is still trimmed and will be until Epiphany, many a person on my social media streams have already taken theirs down. Still, no…
What Happens Next?
I know I should be writing about Christmas. I should be sharing the recipe for eggnog cookies that I made for a recent cookie exchange. Or maybe I should be talking about the holy Christmas trinity: Baby Jesus, Santa, and Elf on the Shelf. I always feel inspired to update my stocking list each year (because stockings…
How Not To Sleep
I could use some sleep. My older two boys were wonderful sleepers until they both turned four-months-old at which point their sleeping patterns deteriorated until they were waking up every hour or two by the time they were nine-months-old. Logan’s sleep patterns were reversed. He started off as a terrible sleeper, and I was terrified that…
Day 21
Writing has become a chore. This whole “write every day” thing is a wonderful idea, and I know it is important for me as a writer to exercise this thing that I say I do. In theory, I want to write daily. I do love writing. But in practice I find myself coming to the…
Connecting: How a Toy Brought Me Closer to my Son
Last Christmas, Gavin – my then 2, almost 3-year-old, found a LEGO Duplo Batman set under the tree with his name on it. When it was time to open the box and play with his new toy, I noticed that Gavin’s older brother Cameron, 4-years-old at the time, was eager to help. So, I handed…
The Best Traditions
“No one thinks Thanksgiving is the best holiday.” My sister was setting the table a couple of weekends ago in preparation for our family’s turkey dinner. Amy loves Christmas, and she is the first to admit that Christmas is the best because it has presents. She was always the kid who hoarded her gifts until…