It has been almost a full week since Mother’s Day, and although I have meant to blog about it, there has been no blog. I’ve been in Toronto living in a cave for a week, so I have an excuse. (Seriously! Who doesn’t have Internet in their house?).
My first Mother’s Day wasn’t how I pictured it. Mother’s Day started in the car at midnight. And I was driving. And I was somewhere in the middle of the state of New York. And I still had 5 and a half more hours of driving to do. And I was going to my Mother-in-law’s.
That was pretty much my Mother’s Day in a nutshell. I was exhausted. And I was frustrated that I had to share my first Mother’s Day with my Mother-in-law.
Was it fair to be upset about this? Absolutely not. In fact, I was fully aware of the extent of my selfishness. But I just had a baby nine weeks ago. And I had to share both my son and my mother’s day.
By the end of the night, I wasn’t in the best of moods. I hardly felt appreciated at all. In fact, I wasn’t even given so much as a card from my husband (or son). I was tired and emotional, and I wanted to just go home (unfortunately, home happened to be four provinces away).
My hubs asked me if all was okay. I told him that I was “fine”. But I wasn’t. Little did I know that waiting in our bedroom was a card from him, a card from my son, and jewelry. I think he was just waiting for us to be alone (I guess so I didn’t have to share anymore). Believe it or not, my husband DOES appreciate what I do for Cameron. At that moment, I felt very much loved and appreciated.
All in all it was actually a good Mother’s Day. I had my precious little boy to love and a husband who loves me. Next year I’m not sharing though!
You, and your son, are so beautiful.