I know that new Moms everywhere have opinions on what women should wear post-pregnancy. Many feel that they are totally done with maternity clothes and are even offended that other women would consider wearing them too (Picture courtesy of The Bump Post Secret). Other women continue to wear their maternity clothes because honestly, there is nothing else that fits.
I fall into the latter category.
Up until a few weeks ago, I was rotating through the two pair of maternity jeans I had (all my other maternity pants were work pants). Yes, I was even pulling the full panel all the way up to my rib cage (it holds in the tummy a little more). Sexy? You betcha! Unfortunately, nothing else fits. And it isn’t always easy to get down to your pre-pregnancy size. I have lost about 25 lbs since giving birth, but I still have a ways to go. And I’m working on it.
Here’s the thing, your body also changes as it makes room for baby. Your hips spread out. Your belly stretches out. Even those who get down to their pre-pregnancy weight still sometimes can’t fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes.
So today, I purged! I went through my closet and my drawers to find everything that definitely doesn’t fit me anymore. And it isn’t just pants. I’m hoping to nurse my baby for another nine months, so I don’t expect to fit into all my tops anytime soon either. I kept some clothes for sentimental reasons (mostly t-shirts and hoodies with my schools on them) and I kept some pants that are super close to fitting (my criteria: I have to be able to button them. They might not look nice just yet, but they will fit my hips). My sisters are going to get a huge bag of clothes to go through next time I go home.
The problem with getting rid of clothes is, well, I HAVE NO CLOTHES! Seriously – no pre-pregnancy pants fit me and very few tops look good on me anymore. And I think Dan is getting tired of me wandering around with my pants hiked up to my boobs (seriously, what would Rabbi Shmuley think of THAT?!).
My Mom very graciously bought me a part of cargo pants and two flowy tops that are very nice summer clothes. The pants are perfect because they have an elastic, drawstring top, so they fit now and will continue to fit later.
My second pair of pants came from Costco on my shopping trip yesterday. I picked up a cute pair of jean capris that I just prayed would fit (how do you buy pants without trying them on?). Luckily they do fit! And they’re only one pant size bigger than my pre-pregnancy pant size. The only “problem” (which is really a blessing for me) is that they have a tummy panel that hides the tummy flab.
Yup. I bought my first pair of Mom jeans. Trust me, they’re pretty darn cute. But there is no chance that I’ll ever be flashing any lacy unmentionables when I bend over to pick my baby up.
Here’s the thing… It is okay if my pants aren’t what I would have worn in high school – because my body isn’t what it used to be in high school. No, my body has now been on the most crazy journey that it has ever been on. Sure, my body boasts some serious battle scars that it picked up along the way, but it also speaks to the incredible joy that has been added to my life.
Because I know it has been too long since I’ve posted a picture of Cameron, here he is cuddling with his Daddy right before Daddy had to go to work this morning. He was so content snuggling in his Dad’s arms.
You should stock up on your next Frenchy's trip, or even value village. Its so expensive to replenish a wardrobe, especially jeans, so you might as well get a few pairs in there under 10$. And hey, if you loose too much weight, no sweat! They only cost the same as 2 ice creams at dairy queen.
have a good one :)