My baby used to love to be cuddled. If he wasn’t in somebody’s arms, he was unhappy. You couldn’t leave him laying on the floor or laying on the bed or sitting in the bouncy chair or sitting in his car seat. You couldn’t even leave him swinging in his swing at his grandparent’s house for too long without him getting upset. Cameron was my little CuddleBug.
My little CuddleBug no longer wants to be carted around. My little CuddleBug wants to move. By. Him. Self.
Let me remind you, Cameron is only three and a half months old. He cannot walk. He cannot crawl. He can barely roll (yes, I have told you a few times that he has rolled, but it is always by accident. Until tonight, Cameron had no idea that he even could roll. Tonight he rolled from belly to back twice. He was like “I want to be over there” and he rolled! Every time he rolled, he looked at me with these eyes that were like “Holy Cow Mom! What the heck just happened?!”, but then I smiled and cheered and clapped and he started grinning real big again!).
But man oh man, does Cameron ever want to move! He is so frustrated that he can’t get from where he is to where he wants to be. When he is in someone’s arms, he deliberately moves his body so that he leans in the direction he wants to be. Unfortunately, once he has leaned, he has no other method of getting there.
Lately, Cameron doesn’t want to be hanging out in his parent’s arms. He wiggles himself out of his bouncy chair. He got fussy in his high chair when he tried it out for the first time tonight as we ate dinner.
Do you know where Cameron likes to be?
On the floor.
We have expensive seats for Cameron. We have seats that bounce, seats that have trays to hold toys, seats that twirl and make music. And Cameron wants to be on the floor.
We’ve come to the conclusion that even though Cameron can’t move any more than a scootch and maybe-almost-possibly a roll, he wants the opportunity to move. He does not want to be stuck in restrictive arms or seats, thank you very much.
Our son has discovered his need for independance.
If this is how Cameron is now, I can’t imagine what teenage Cameron will be like.
For now, we’re going to give him as much opportunity as we can to explore this independence. Once teenage-dom comes, all bets are off.
Take this opportunity to attach a cleaning implement to him…dust mop, sponge…anything you can think of…now is the best time to get him into the habit of participating in the chores around the house!!! Beautiful pictures Laura – how I miss you and him. Thanks for sharing with us.