There is something absolutely beautiful about a pregnant body. I loved being pregnant. I have never felt more beautiful in my entire life, even when I was about as big as a house.
Thinner Thursday
This was taken less than a month before Cameron was born. Terrible picture of me, but it gives a general idea about how huge I was. There is my regular body in one time zone, and my pregnant belly two time zones over.
Once you give birth, things change a little. Instead of a big, beautiful, tight and round belly, you have a big, stretchy, scarred and jiggly belly. Even though you no longer provide permanent residence to a living being, you still look a few months pregnant. On top of all that, you’re pretty sure all 40lbs you put on during pregnancy went straight to your face, and it certainly didn’t go back to normal upon baby-eviction. To make matters worse, you can’t find the time or the energy to dress up nice, brush your hair, put on some makeup or even shower. Heck, your family thanks their lucky stars when you find the opportunity to brush your teeth every three days.
Needless to say, it isn’t always easy to feel beautiful or desirable as a new Mom.
So, I’ve decided it is time to get my large, post-pregnancy bum in gear and do something about it. I’ve never been very good at loosing weight, but I know there are a lot of other Moms out there who are doing it or have done it before and I’m both nervous and excited to be accountable through this blog.
My first goal is to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of around 145lbs. My bigger goal is to loose even more (get to around 125-130lbs) before it is time to get pregnant again.
How am I going to accomplish this? I want to try to find time to be active every day. I just signed up for a Stroller Fit class that happens once a week starting mid-June. I also plan to bust out my new Wii Fit Plus and Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD. And I look forward to nice long walks with Cameron when it isn’t raining.
I think I will have the hardest time eating well. I really enjoy treating myself to ice cream or chocolate or fancy coffee drinks every once in a while. I like these treats, and I probably won’t be cutting them out. Instead, I will try to eat healthier meals and limit my treats. I am excited to find new recipes to try out that will help me be healthier and maybe loose a little weight while also cooking for my family. Tomorrow I plan to go buy myself a notebook in order to keep a diary of my food intake and activity.
Since today is the beginning, Week Zero, I guess I have to bite the bullet and let you know what my starting weight is. So, here we go. This morning, before I proceeded to eat Egg McMuffins, a Caramel Macchiato, a Tim Horton’s Mocha Iced Cappuccino and a sprinkled covered donut (not all in one sitting… I was travelling today), I stood on the Wii Fit and got my initial weight.
Drum Roll Please…
Week 0: 164 lbs (which, interestingly enough, is exactly how much I weighed when I was 24 weeks pregnant).
Cameron is also excited for this new weight loss adventure that Mommy is starting. It means he gets to do lots of fun things… like going on walks and hanging out in his stroller. But, he wanted to exercise like Mama, so we pulled out his new and very exciting excersaucer and let him play for a while this evening. I know he is a little young for it yet, but he has been holding his head up continually since he was two months old. He played in his excersaucer for about 15 minutes before getting tired. He loved the lights and danced to the music.
Cameron playing in his excersauser.
Taken today.
12 weeks, 4 days old.
You can totally do it! Your goals look a lot like mine. I've even made myself a "reward chart" of sorts where I get a reward every 5lbs gone. As I near my final goal, the reward gets more enticing. For example, the first goal was to do something for myself (face mask, painted toe nails etc.), and the final one is a shopping spree. Stay strong and determined; you'll reach your goals a little bit at a time!
Hey! So if you don't want advice don't keep reading and I will not be offended!!! The best way to keep eating your favorite foods is to restrict them all week and then on Sat and Sunday let yourself eat all you want. You can only gain so much weight per day so if you're good 5 days a week then you will start noticing a big difference just doing that. Good luck, you'll do great!