In light of some comments I’ve received, I want to state that this post is mostly about my experience as a parent, not the Halifax transit strike. I used the Halifax transit strike as a way to explain my feelings of being out-of-control, because the reality is, I have no control over what is going on and I have to adjust my life accordingly. So, it is an apt example. But, even though it isn’t the crux of my post, since I mentioned it I do want to say that none of my frustration lies with the drivers and employees themselves. I respect them and always appreciate any interactions I have had while riding public transit. I am frustrated by how the strike is turning out. This is not anti or pro union. Both sides have frustrated me. And, as the title suggests, I recognize I am being slightly over-dramatic about things. So please bear that in mind. Also note, I will no longer allow anonymous comments to stay on the blog. Again, let me state that this post is about my experience as a parent and how events in my life teach me about parenthood. That is what is important here. That is what I always try to write about on my blog.
There are certain things that come along with parenthood. Of course, the term itself implies that there is a child. But beyond that, parenthood automatically bestows a person with new responsibilities, rights, privileges, and control.
I remember how firmly I held onto control as soon as I was pregnant with Cameron. The experience of seeing those two little lines on a home pregnancy test when we had not been trying to get pregnant left me feeling so out of control that I grasped at whatever I could to offset that. Thankfully, although the process of being pregnant is so entirely organic, there was a lot I could control. I could control what foods and vitamins I put into my body. I could control what vaccines I (and later my child) would receive. I could control whether or not we would keep the sex a secret. I could create a very controlled birth plan, and dictate who would be with me in the delivery room. I tried to control the visitations we received after the birth. Although the natural processes inside of me and my baby took over more often than not, I could control the environment around me and the people I surrounded myself with.
Actually having a living, breathing child under my supervision entitled me to a whole other level of control. In partnership with my husband, I determined when the baby needed to eat and when the baby needed quiet time. Although this was mostly directed by the demands of my newborn, I realized that I understood his needs so much more than others around me did, so I took charge when it came to reading those signals. I was fierce and protective. And I was allowed to be. I was a mother. It was my right.
I held the control over this child’s life.
And as my child grows, I continue to hold the control over his life. Bedtime. Discipline. Rules. These are my rights and my responsibility as his parent.
So, when I start to lose control, I start to crumble. Very, very quickly.
As my husband and I built our lives, we made a few key decisions that dictated the way we would live. As a family who can only afford one vehicle but chose not to pay the exorbitant price of living in the heart of the city, public transportation became one of those “controls” in our lives that we chose. I am actually a proud public transportation user. I love the fact that each day, I avoid sitting idle in the throng of rush-hour, not experiencing all the personal and environmental stress that is associated with this type of commute. And I sometimes usually love the daily exercise and fresh air that I receive by walking to and from the ferry (although I must admit that this gets harder the further into pregnancy I get).
I never realized just how much our lives were built around public transportation until it was taken away from us.
Currently there is a transit strike in Halifax. And after sitting in bottleneck traffic for half an hour and only progressing two blocks on the first day of the strike, we realized that we simply could not juggle daycare time constraints and rush-hour traffic all while maintaining our regular work schedules. This was even before trying to find parking downtown. Life had all of a sudden spiralled out of control.
While I tried to find a solution for this transit problem that would work for my family (a solution that would eventually find us paying for daycare despite keeping our son home and working split shifts so that my husband and I could both avoid rush-hour and take care of our child), I found myself fuming with anger. As a socially conscious person, I was angry that those with limited mobility (which at 30 weeks pregnant, I would consider myself to be) and those with lower incomes are the ones who are suffering the most during this strike. As a taxpayer, I was angry that in a time of economic stress, this union believes it should be receiving raises when everyone else in the world are tightening their belts. Selfishly, I was angry that transit workers, some of whom are less educated than I am, are earning more than $20,000 more than I am, and still the union is demanding more.
But mostly, I was angry because all this control I thought I had over my life had suddenly been taken away.
If I have learned anything in the last year, it would be that things start to get really bad when I feel completely out of control. My health suffers. Currently, I am exhausted. I have literally had a headache every day since the strike started. My family suffers. My husband and I rarely see each other any more. My patience with my son gets thin after working for seven hours and then solo-parenting for the next seven. My responsibilities suffer. I have absolutely no time to get anything else done in my life apart from working and parenting.
Losing control is nothing more than letting something else take control of your life that has no right doing so.
So maybe I have been wrong all along about control.
Maybe parenting has nothing to do with control. Maybe it is all about lack of control.
Because, really, who knows what to expect when looking at that first positive pregnancy test? You can do everything right and still have no baby at the end. Or, labour comes, and despite a perfectly thought-out birth plan, we enter that delivery room with absolutely no idea about how things will actually progress. Even as I prepare to go through my second child-birthing experience, I can’t lean on my experiences last time to dictate how things will happen this time. Women can plan to breastfeed and still be faced with complications making it difficult or impossible. Bedtimes can be created and yet it doesn’t mean the child will go to bed easily or sleep through the night. Rules are set for children and still those rules get broken. Discipline can only be enforced for so long until the child grows up and becomes accountable for himself. Children grow up and new people enter their lives: babysitters, teachers, friends, spouses, all vying for more and more control over this child’s life and attention.
And here I am. Mama. Watching all this control I so foolishly thought I was entitled to slip through my fingers like grains of sand.
Maybe this is what parenthood is tying to teach me: That control is an illusion. And until I can learn to accept that, until I can learn how to relinquish control, my life will be fraught with unexpected yet unavoidable hurdles threatening to take control of me.
I’m not there yet. I don’t even know if this realization has allowed me to loosen my grip on my control issues even a little bit. But it is a step. A step to maybe, just maybe, becoming a better parent.
… a better parent who is still angry about this transit strike.
Please educate yourself about the reasons for the strike before you go spewing off things that are completely untrue. It has nothing to do with raises or money.
I am unsure if I should actually respond because you didn’t give a real email address and therefore are clearly not willing to be open for discussion. I am actually very educated in it. I have been from the beginning. I completely understand that the main issue the union has is rostering. I didn’t say that I had a problem with rostering in my post because, quite honestly, I am not sure if I do. I understand the union and the drivers’ desire to keep this.
But then, the city put forward two offers – one that left rostering as it was, but provided lower wage hikes – and one with higher wage hikes that got rid of rostering. And it wasn’t good enough. The strike happened. A week later, the union came to the table with the offer of 3% wage increases for each of the next 3 years. I understand that that was meant to be negotiated down, but quite honestly, as a taxpayer, that frustrated me.
So regardless if the main point of this is raises or money, raises or money DOES come into play here, especially when you look at what the city is paying to subsidize transit. As a taxpayer, money does come into play.
Thank you for posting the link. It is a good one. I have read it before. And believe me, I empathise with the drivers. I appreciate my bus drivers/ferry operators so much when I am riding transit. All of that doesn’t negate what I said above about who is being affected: those who are elderly, those who are sick, those who are lower income and less mobile. It doesn’t change that I should be concerned about what deals are being talked about as a taxpayer. It doesn’t mean that I have to be all happy and positive about this strike that is affecting my life. (Notice, the title says “Because it is All About Me”. Obviously that is quite tongue-in-cheek. I realize that my opinion doesn’t count here and doesn’t play into the strike. But it is my blog and I feel justified in telling my experience).
Laura recently posted..Striking Out of Control – Because it is All About Me
I think you need to read this blog again. The reason for the strike doesn’t matter here. All that matters is control or lack there of we feel as parents. She is talking about dealing with issues that are beyond her control in a healthy matter.
Your defensiveness here concerns me. You clearly are not listening to what people are saying. If you are part of the union or even just pro-union you should hear how your actions are affecting others.
Christopher D Drew recently posted..Our Mr Mom Who Art In Heaven
Thanks Christopher! I am grateful that my point got across to some people. And thank you for clarifying for those who didn’t get the point.
Laura recently posted..Striking Out of Control – Because it is All About Me
Sorry about that person that posted that random comment in the beginning. I totally get this and why you would be frustrated. When I see those signs (shame on blah blah) where union people are protesting…I’m like really??? I mean they have been out there for like months. I am thinking what a waste of time. I won’t go into that soapbox though. Anyhow, I’m sorry that you are not able to get around like you used to especially now being very far in your pregnancy. I’ll be hoping a solution comes your way soon!
Natalie recently posted..I’m Not Here Today…
And yes doesn’t parenting show us the most we are not in control? We can plan our little hearts out…but somehow we always get proven wrong.
Natalie recently posted..I’m Not Here Today…
I loved your passion about unions who strike! :) I try not to get into my opinions on those topics either, because it is SUCH a hot button issue.
For the record, even though the strike hasn’t been resolved, a solution did come my way. Things have a way of working themselves out! :)
Laura recently posted..Make-Down: Faces of a Family