Dear Persistent Pimple,
We’ve been through a lot together, you and I. Don’t misunderstand me. We aren’t friends. In fact, I downright despise you, but we have shared some momentous occasions.
When we first met years ago, you were non-remarkable, but no less annoying. You came, with all your little friends, to cover my growing body and mortify me in front of my friends. Freak. Pizza-face. Ugly. I looked like every other teenager, yet felt embarrassed and self-conscious. You did that to me. Still, I paid you no mind, assuming you’d disappear with the rest of them in a few years, once I passed puberty and entered adulthood.
But you haven’t gone anywhere.
Sure, you’ve disappeared at times. You sneak away without the fanfare that you came in with. You would always leave me just long enough for me to forget that I have to deal with pimples at all anymore. For a few blissful weeks I even start to question if I am in some twilight skin zone between acne and wrinkles.
(Upon closer inspection I realize I am mistaken and am actually on the cusp between two phases of life where both pimples and wrinkles have taken up residency on my face.)
But then something big happens. Something exciting happens. I get pregnant or I have a baby or I get a job interview or I show up on television or I go back to work.
And you pop up. Always. In the same spot.
I don’t know why you think my life is so fabulous or why you only stick around for the big life events, but somehow we’ve become very well acquainted now.
I know you’re coming before anyone else does. You painfully sneak up on me, hiding under the skin for a day before announcing yourself publicly. That first day is your punishment for me not formally inviting you to my big event, I suppose.
You know I don’t want you, right? You know I don’t need you holding my hand through each of my big life experiences? I’ve got this, you know. Despite how much we’ve done together, I’m okay going alone. The right side of my chin is perfectly fine when you’re not around. In fact, I would argue that it is better.
Still, through some combination of hormones and stress, you show up. And you invite my hand to the party. You two are annoyingly inseparable. That nervous habit brought on by the same stress that invited you makes my fingers pick. And poke and prod and pinch. I always hope my fingers are teaching you a lesson – beating you up just enough to emphasize that we never want to see you around here again. Instead you get angry and stubborn, out-staying your welcome and drawing attention to yourself.
We have shared a lot of big, important, stressful events. So it was no surprise to me when you came around last week for my first day back to work. You even said goodbye to the boys as we sent them off to daycare. But it has been a week already. You have had your fun. May I please kindly ask you to leave? I’m enjoying this new-found opportunity to dress nicely and wash my hair and put up makeup. But you are totally ruining it.
So goodbye. You’ve had your fun.
Trying To Look Presentable Here
I think your right-side chin zit is the sibling of my left-side chin zit that always shows up when I’m stressed. SO annoying! Love that you wrote an ode to it :)
Alison recently posted..Old School Blogging: The Marriage Edition
Twinsies! Pimply, zitty twinsies!
Laura recently posted..Ode To A Zit
Adult pimples are just so unfair, and of course I have a husband that has to point out every time I get one. Why? Why does he do that? Like I can’t feel it or see it when I look in the mirror.
Jennifer recently posted..So you’re having a c-section, Part 4
Your husband too? Mine was like “Have you been picking at that thing on your face?” and I was like “Yes! OBVIOUSLY!” … as if I didn’t know! (Why don’t they point out the good hair days or rockin’ eye makeup, huh?)
Laura recently posted..Ode To A Zit
Exactly! I don’t think he has ever once said, “wow, your hair is super shiny and bouncy today!” LOL
Jennifer recently posted..So you’re having a c-section, Part 4
SO unfair. thank goodness my husband is smart enough to not point them out, because my medication has cloned them all over my face. ugh.
Too funny. Leave us alone, pimples! ;)
Robin | Farewell, Stranger recently posted..Deep Breaths and Thank Yous
Haha! A benefit to pushing 40 :)
Love this post! I remember thinking that pimples were only for teenagers. Sadly, I spend a lot of time staring at my zits and wonder why they are still here in my mid 30s!!
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Wonderful Food Wednesday #32
Ha! Loved this! Saw it on Twitter and had to click because I have one on my cheek that totally has a heartbeat.
Nina recently posted..Cutting my iPhone Time in Half by Next Spring
See, my title would have to be “Ode to Zits”, with an “S”. Yeah… and always on the chin. One in the same spot as yours. And then it invites friends! WHEE!
Adult acne is just wrong, isn’t it? I have invested in a lot of cover up.
Haha! This was fantastic. Unfortunately, I too have a Persistant Pimple (a flock of them, actually) and I fear they’ll be around for ever. BFF’s for life! Thanks for the great post.
Christina @ The DIY Mommy recently posted..Mood Board: Rustic Glam Master Suite Retreat – Our DIY House
bahaha! That picture made me laugh! And oh, I know all too well about the chin zit. I’ve heard or read somewhere that zits especially in the chin area are hormonal. From hormones. Makes sense. I never thought I’d still have these things as an adult. but I do. I actually just bought some proactiv !!! Now that Oscar is nursing less and you know what is back, got a whole new crop of the pimples. so. Trying to nip them in the bud, so to speak. Funny stuff!
I have a pimple in the same spot, and I’m sure it’s from eating peanut butter. And yet I won’t give it up.
Lady Jennie recently posted..Life in the Trenches – Chapter 14
Pimples come pimples go and you are so right they love the spot light, I just pray mine stays away while I head state side to speak, but yes it is likely I will be meeting my super heros wearing a zit.
Hollie recently posted..Thinking of Rehtaeh Parsons and Bullying
I knew I was doomed, when I was like 11 or 12 and my mom was 40, and still had pimples. Yup I am 37 and still get as many as in high school. The only upside, I didn’t have major breakouts in high school. Just a few at a time.
Shari G recently posted..Pirate Fun With Kiwi Crate
Oooh, I have one of those too. It lives under my chin, and drives me insane. Ugh.
Samantha @ Blissful Domesticity recently posted..Rum Raisin Rice Pudding
LOL! Don’t you love getting pimples long past the time you’re supposed to? I have a recurring one on my chin as well that has excellent timing. Almost as good as my period :)
Candace recently posted..Social Media & Living in a 911 World