Hi, my name is Laura O’Rourke and I am addicted to running.
Or maybe I’m addicted to not running. Yeah. That has to be it.
It has been 47 days since I last ran.
The very last time I ran.
I had a great excuse. We were moving. The apartment needed to be packed up. My husband had sprained his back which left me with three dependents under my care instead of the usual two. I ignored everything that wasn’t absolutely pressing and running was one of those things.
In those 47 days I have packed boxes, I have stacked boxes, and I have moved boxes. I have organized until I gave up on that. I have changed diapers and changed ice packs. I have picked out beds and set up beds. I have unboxed and I am living among boxes. I have eaten a giant bag of M&Ms and an even bigger bag of sweet & salty popcorn. I’ve undeniably gained weight, but I maintain plausible deniability because I have yet to step on our scale. Stress eating? What’s that.
We have been officially moved in for two and a half weeks. We will be officially unpacked in two and a half years.
I need to get back to normal. Or maybe, I need to find my new normal.
I told myself a week ago Monday that I was going to start running again. Except… where did I pack my sneakers? And where is that box labelled RUNNING CLOTHES? And I swear I had an armband somewhere (or maybe it is just time to purchase that pink flipbelt I’ve been eyeing).
There is always a reason to NOT run. Trust me. I’ve used every excuse in the book and then some. Just ask the lovely ladies behind the Twitter handle @TNTHalifax. They’ve been trying to get me to run with them for at least a year. I’ve always had a great excuse. “I can’t raise money.” “I can’t commit to that time frame.” “What if I get pregnant?” “I just had a baby!” “I’m not ready to run a half-marathon.” “Later… okay?”
But I just bought a house. And I just moved our family. And we’re settling in to this new, beautiful life. I’ve done my B-I-G thing for the summer and I’m ready for my next challenge. I’m ready to ignore the excuses. I’m ready to put down the M&Ms. (Okay; Just one more).
I’m going to run a half marathon.
In Disney.
In January.
With the help of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada’s Team in Training, I will be training, travelling, and blogging this experience all the while raising money to fund blood cancer research and patient services here in Canada. Did you know that there are over 100,000 people living with or in remission from a blood cancer in Canada?
I am really excited to start this journey. But I really hope I won’t be doing it alone. This will be the first time I will ever run a half marathon. It will be the first time I train with people. And it will be the first time that I will really be running with a greater purpose. I hope you’ll read and encourage me. If you’re able to, I hope you’ll consider donating. And, if you’re ready for your next big thing: I hope you’ll join me. Like, really join me. Join forces with Team in Training to prepare for the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend*. If you’re local, we can train together. If you’re not – we can meet up in Orlando.
Now, won’t someone please tell me which box my sneakers are hiding in?
*You can also fund-raise and train for any other race through TNT Your Way or TNT Do It Yourself. Find more information at www.teamintraining.ca/hal. Send me a message if you have any questions. I’d be happy to put you in touch with the right people.
We have so much in common you and I – running AND coffee AND moving! What a great goal – to run a half – and to raise money at the same time. Best of luck with this.
Ilene recently posted..Rise
That is awesome, Laura – I am very excited for you! I am so new to running that a half marathon seems so out of reach for me right now – but maybe one day? I am just going to go along and see where this running journey takes me.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted..Slipping Away
I’m so excited for you, what a great cause, and OMG half-marathon in Orlando, how awesome is that.
Me, I just want to run in the zombie 5k in Singapore :)
Alison recently posted..Old School Blogging: The Fridge Edition aka ACK!
This is great, Laura! I am so proud to call you my friend! You can do it! And I will be cheering for you from here!
Katie Sluiter recently posted..Lost
You know I’ll be cheering you on the whole way through training and the half!! It is my DREAM to run a Disney race.
Greta, we’d love to have you on the team :)
This is awesome! What a great goal and a great cause and ORLANDO! Amazing!
K recently posted..Wordless Wednesday and iPPP: Best friends
I’m so excited for you. I think you are going to have a great time and really rock that race.
Jennifer recently posted..Organizing a Lunch Station for Easy Meal Prepration
That’s the spirit! ;-)
Lady Jennie recently posted..On Part Two and Coming Home
yeah Laura! Your next big thing is HUGE! Cannot wait to come along with you for this one. I say it all the time, but one of these days (years) I’d like to become a runner :) Happy for you friend!
I am very proud of you, Laura and I would be happy to donate to your cause. My husband trained for his first marathon with TIT and we are big fans!
So excited for you. (:
Tonya recently posted..One Year Ago
Congratulations for your commitment to both the race and the cause! I had some really good friends do this together a few years ago and it was an amazing experience for them. Excited to follow along with your training and your race! :D
Elaine A. recently posted..School Days
i meant to comment on this awhile ago.
obviously i am excited for you, you know that :) excited that it’s your first, and that it’s in DISNEY!! ACK!!! nobody does it better then disney, trust me :)
i’m totally jealous too – if i could join you, i so would. in a heartbeat. and it’s such an amazing feeling to run for a cause bigger then yourself. when you cross that line, knowing that you put your whole heart and soul into it, is overwhelming. knowing that you didn’t just run for YOU…is amazing.
and one piece of disney running advice? PLEASE don’t run for time. it’s a huge and amazing run and there are FAR too many experiences and photo opportunities, etc. to enjoy along the way. my ONLY regret from my disney run is that i didn’t stop to appreciate MORE of them. drink every second and mile of it in. (and know that it’s totally OK to cry when you run through the disney castle…at least that’s what i convinced myself of in that moment ;) )
candice recently posted..Happy Birthday to Me!
It’s amazing what a little company can do for our motivation, isn’t it?
Oh, and Disney doesn’t hurt. :)
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