This morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing at 4:45am, just like any other day. I took a deep breath and cringed as my blankets were pulled back and the cold air embraced my body. In the dark, I scrambled to tie up my housecoat and find some semblance of a…
Striking Out of Control – Because it is All About Me
In light of some comments I’ve received, I want to state that this post is mostly about my experience as a parent, not the Halifax transit strike. I used the Halifax transit strike as a way to explain my feelings of being out-of-control, because the reality is, I have no control over what is going…
In the Delivery Room
I could talk about my childbirth experience all day long. It is probably the best story I have. It has everything a good story needs. Action. Conflict. Blood and Gore. Sweat and Tears. Pain. Hard Work. Agonizing Suspense. Climax. And finally, a perfect resolution. But if you’re thinking about having a baby any time soon,…
The Big Reset
Last night, as we sat on the cusp of 2012, my husband asked me if this had been a good year. I teared up. There is one memory that hasn’t left me all year. One memory that was created exactly one year ago from last night. As the clock on 2010 started to run out,…
The Best Gift
I really wasn’t expecting much under the tree this year. Thankfully, I moved beyond worrying what I was receiving long ago when Christmas started to lose its magic for me. I realized that Christmas would always be disappointing until I learned to focus on the joy of giving and the blessing of those surrounding me….
What if Christmas: Embracing my Inner Grinch
Last year I shared how I would ideally like to teach my children about Santa. I grew up in an environment that focused on the birth of Christ, the gathering of family, and the kindness of Saint Nicholas. Santa was just a fun little game we played. I don’t ever remember believing in Santa Claus. I, of…
Christmas Time is Here
I remember last Christmas questioning what Advent meant to me. How could I possibly enter into a spirit of waiting for something that comes every year when I had grown out of the Santa stage? How could I transform that into anticipation for a child who came two thousand years ago? What did Advent mean…
Just an Ordinary Day
The only thing an estimated due date is good at predicting is when a baby likely won’t be born. Only five percent of babies arrive on their due dates, which means it is usually safe to assume that your baby will be born around that date instead of directly on it. But when a birth never happens,…
Welcome to Thinner Thursday! Starting today, things are going to look a little different around here. I’ve teamed up with Courtney at The Mommy Matters and together we are going to share the hosting duties to bring you the best weekly link-up that we possibly can. If you have yet to meet Courtney, go on over…
Picture Me
I would guess that most people hit some sort of “rock bottom” before starting a serious and consistent weight-loss regimen. At least, that is what happened to me. I had previously decided to lose weight a number of times in my life, but never once did I actually do much to accomplish this goal – not until…
Wordless Wednesday: Patriotic Play
From our Canada Day Photoshoot: 15 months, 3 weeks, 4 days old [Click on the photo for more pictures from this series] Laura (@LauraORourke) is a photographer who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A wife to Dan and a mother to Cameron, she spends her free time blogging and reading. Her blog finds its home…