My five year anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. As such, I have been thinking about finding some alone time with my husband, if even just for a meal. In fact, as this is our fifth wedding anniversary, we were planning to take our first vacation since the honeymoon, kid-free. Alas (or,…
How I Went A Full Year Without Medicating My Baby and Other Second Child Problems
Oh, the stories my second child will have to share in therapy. Like how I never put shoes on him, even when we went out. Or how I did nothing for his first birthday. Or how he didn’t have a bed for a whole year. Or how I didn’t get him medical attention for the first…
A Peanut Butter Brunch
I remember the day I heard that Kraft was finally releasing flavoured peanut butter. As someone whose network extends into the United States, I have forever been jealous of their tales of cookie butter and other such delightful toast toppings. The idea that Kraft would be spreading some flavour onto the peanut butter shelves of…
My Favourite Colour
I am sure there are reasons we are drawn to certain colours at certain times of our lives. My love of orange in junior high coincided with a few years of serious self-discovery and self-creation. Orange was bold and quirky but often underestimated and undervalued in a way that completely mirrored my own feelings. When I…
Dinner Talk
As a newly working Mom, I am really beginning to realize the importance of conversation at the family dinner table. After a long day of being away from my children and my husband and with only a few short hours before bedtime, dinner is the perfect time to grow closer and connect. Cameron is at…
Music To Run To: My Favorite Running Playlist
Much to my husband’s chagrin, I’m really not a music person. I enjoyed listening in high school and even went to a few concerts. These days, when I am in the mood, I can throw on a good album and get my groove one, but normally, I find music boring and a waste of my…
“I Wear My Cloth Diapers At Night”
There’s a little secret that some cloth diaper users don’t always choose to tell you. We don’t cloth diaper exclusively. Sure, we love the financial savings that cloth diapers afford, and we love knowing the materials that are sitting so close to our children’s sensitive skin, and we love knowing that we aren’t filling our…
Stressfree Family Dinners
Stress-free family dinner… is there such a thing? I’m not sure if I have a good answer to this. I think stress-free family dinners are only found at the bottom of a pizza box, and even then you have to worry about your finances. But dinner always comes around once a day and as a…
Book Review: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened
I very rarely read non-fiction unless I am sitting in front of a computer screen reading news articles or favorite blogs. I can enjoy a good non-fiction read, and will once in a while turn to a book of essays for a change of pace., but I am, at my core, a fiction-lover. So, despite…
The Race Shirt
Apparently it is both unlucky and uncool to wear your swag-bag race shirt during a race. Those in the know suggest wearing the same clothes you train in to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions whereas douchebag* seasoned runners consider wearing the race shirt to be a rookie mistake. Race shirts should be earned, and apparently training and…
Dear Gavin: Happy Birthday. It’s Not Fair.
Dear Gavin, This letter is late. You turned one a week and a half ago on April 29th. Whereas I wrote a whole series of posts for your brother’s first birthday, I haven’t written anything for you yet. Until now, that is. Part of me worries about this. I wrestle daily with the guilt that…