My Baby. Last week you turned nine months old. Nine months is always kind of a magical time for me. It represents the point in which you have been out in this world as long as you were deep inside of me. It implies some sort of independence – you as you grow and begin…
Great Expectations
Have you met Greta before? She blogs at GFunkified and she was gracious enough to let me blog there today too. I have happened across her blog a couple of times during the past few years of blogging but I have just recently started to get to know her. Greta is a sweet and genuine person and…
You Knew Us When
“I’m going to be on Treehouse!” We had just sat down to breakfast at a restaurant the morning after our long shoot day in Toronto. Cameron, my two year old, was beaming with pride at our waitress. “…with the Octonauts!” If you’re not a Canadian, you might not quite understand the level of excitement that…
January used to be a time for resolutions. And it still is, for some. But to others, resolutions are taboo. We don’t want to make them and we don’t want to break them. We are wary of broad statements that draw attention to our flaws. Making resolutions is scary. It is often too personal and too…
Let’s Start at the Beginning: How to Pre-Wash Cloth Diapers
January always brings me back to the very beginning. It is a time to reexamine the habits we have formed and maybe, just possibly, aim to be better – better for our kids, better for the environment, better for ourselves. I’ll soon be sharing with you my resolutions, but I thought now would be a…
Mom(‘)s Reading
If I could shut out the world and have one evening to myself – an evening without the nagging to do list or the messy house or the crying kids at bedtime – I would whisk myself away to a quiet fireside oasis. There I would sink, curled up in an extra large armchair and…
I heard it for the first time a few days into our big Toronto adventure as we were driving away from our afternoon meeting at Corus Entertainment. It had been Cameron’s and my first face-to-face with the people we would be working with on the commercial shoot. It had been a good meeting. Everyone was nice…
Little Girl in the Big City
“Have you applied for us to be on The Amazing Race Canada?” Dan asked me a few days ago. He had just seen a commercial for the casting call and was tempted by the idea of fame and fortune and spending so much quality time with the love of his life. Heh. “Are you CRAZY?”…
Words to Live a Year By
So, here is a little secret insight into who I am. My blog title didn’t just come about all nilly willy. I was methodical about choosing it. I really wanted my blog to have a focus on motherhood while pointing to the Divine. I have never noticed God at work so much as I have through parenting…
My 2012: A Year in Photos
…and what a beautiful year it has been. Here is to a stunning 2013! Are you doing a photo recap blog post too? Leave me the link! I’d love to see it! And while I’m at it, I’m going to link up with Farewell Stranger’s Photo Farewell to 2012 and House Unseen’s 2012 in 12…
A Little Thanks Before The End
This year started out with so much hope and so much trepidation. I gingerly walked on eggshells into the new year just hoping to crawl my way up from the dismal days of 2011. I didn’t start out my year with big goals, just tiny seeds of ideas that I wasn’t yet ready to expose…