8am. That was the moment every Christmas morning when we could finally leave the confines of our bedroom and go jump on Mom and Dad to wake them up. It was the time, down to the very minute, that we had been waiting for all year. It was when the waiting was finally over. We…
The Hottest Gift of the Year
Every year around this time, one product is heralded as The Hottest Gift of the Year. Recent years we have seen the iPad and the eReader and the Keurig coffee maker come out on top. These items become hot commodities around Christmas time, and suddenly everyone has one. Receivers of these gifts feel spoiled while…
And Then the World Shrank
I slowly started to see the tweets coming into my Twitter stream early Friday. I noted them and passed them by, hoping it would come to nothing… hoping it was too far away…. hoping it wouldn’t affect me. A school shooting. More tweets came. And more. And more. And then the numbers started to become…
The Best Giver – a NOVICA Giveaway
Do you remember when Christmas changed for you? As a child, I remember feeling like Christmas Eve was the hardest night of the year to endure. I was so excited to find out what I was getting the next morning that I could barely close my eyes. Morning would come and I would be awake…
Codename: Agent Tinsel – A Giveaway!
I don’t know how you shop for the holidays. I mostly do it online. As a Mom with very little alone time I simply can’t get all my Christmas shopping done with two little snoops riding shotgun in the cart and in the baby carrier. Except, online shopping has become a little more difficult these…
Monsters Are Coming for Christmas
As December picks up and I am desperately trying to keep my head above water (I must have been nuts thinking Christmas on maternity leave would be simpler than normal,) I can honestly say that I have felt like my life has been overrun by monsters for the past little while. Mostly, it is…
Surviving Your First Christmas: Tips On How To Merge Family Traditions
This Christmas marks my fourth Christmas with Dan. It is Cameron’s third Christmas, and Gavin’s very first Christmas. Most notable, however, is that this year is my family’s very first Christmas on our own. That’s right. For the first time since our lives merged, we need to fuse our traditions. When I was dating, I…
The Christmas Creep
As the leaves begin to change colour each year, we start talking about “Christmas Creep”. If you haven’t heard this term before, it refers to the practice of merchants who try to take advantage of the holidays earlier and earlier each year and start putting out Christmas stock long before consumers are ready for it….
We Do / Me: Gift Suggestion and Giveaway
(From PaperSalt’s “We Do” book) If you have even reading my blog for a while, you might know that I have a teenaged sister. I write about her less than my other sister because this is primarily a blog about motherhood, and my baby sister Molly isn’t a Mom like Amy and I are (Praise…
Wet Bags: Not Just For Cloth Diapers Any More
Have you ever wondered what’s in my diaper bag? Ok. Truthfully, I don’t even use a diaper bag. Since I already throw out a pretty strong mother vibe, I try to maintain whatever semblance of put-together adultness that I possibly can. For me, that means carrying an overflowing women’s purse, with diapers and wipe cases…
How DavidsTea Won Me Over with Murky Green Liquid & Online Love
Laura has asked me on a few occasions to contribute to this blog of hers. Thus far I’ve declined citing generic knee ailments and unspecified man-related illnesses like: lethargy, late-night hunger, and video game needs. I make an exception today. I write not at the request of my wife, but rather out of a sense…