My baby woke me up at 6am on Sunday. This wasn’t shocking. His sleeps have hardly been long over the past few weeks. Sometimes, he even graces me with his presence hourly. The difference between this morning and every other morning was that my baby woke me up right before my alarm was set to…
Not My Finest Hour
Naptime. If you’re a parent – especially if you’re a stay-at-home parent – you know all about it. Naptime is a brief sanctuary of time that provides much needed minutes of solitude and silence. Although the kids don’t realize it, we all need this restful reprieve from each other. It gives each of us a much needed time…
Sharing Cookies
When my toddler walks out of his bedroom each morning, the first thing he asks for is a treat. “No Cameron. We don’t eat treats for breakfast.” As soon as he finishes his cereal, he asks for a treat. “No Cameron. You just ate.” When I ask him what we should have for lunch, he…
Highly Caffeinated
“Triple Grande Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato please” That’s on a good day. On a bad day: “Make it a quad.” I wake up in the morning and pick out a k-cup. I have my mug with me throughout the day either nuking or refilling as needed. And sometimes, I even pour myself a cup of coffee…
A Marriage Divided
He was a student of politics. I was a young girl just entering adulthood. I was still forming my opinions, still understanding how the political system worked. Together we’d watch elections, we’d discuss policy. And when we said “I do”, I firmly believed that we were on the same page politically. I kind of liked…
R is for the Rambunctious Rascals making a Racket: Giveaway! (CLOSED)
There are two very special things that my family values: Reading and Music. Reading has always held a special place in my heart and although my husband probably doesn’t want to join book clubs or watch book awards being handed out on television, he reads even more than I do. Now that we have children,…
Be a Big Help: Food For Families
I love food. And now that fall is turning into winter and holidays are piling on top of each other, our house is filled with Halloween goodies and fresh baked treats. Our fridge is overflowing and if I plan to put one more leftover into it, I will definitely need to clean it out. These…
Trick: Happy Halloween!
You’d think that a dragon wouldn’t hesitate to eat a monkey all up, but actually, they’re both quite tame. What did your kids dress up like this Halloween? Don’t forget to check out yesterday’s post for my Halloween treat to you!
Treats: Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies
As October draws to a close and the trees are losing more of their leaves, I am hunkering into the oncoming chilliness with a steaming mug and a wearable blanket. I love fall. It gets just cold enough to make coziness justifiable. Each year, as fall rolls around, I commit to baking with pumpkin. Because seriously?…
Dear Gavin: A Love Letter to My Six Month Old
(I will update the weight and length after our doctor appointment on Wednesday.) How long is a lifetime? For you, it is six months. And for me too, sort of. Because it seems like you have been in this world and in our family for ever. It feels like our family wasn’t really complete without you. But…
I Hoard Pregnancy Tests
I may not be good at much, but I am really good at getting pregnant. Sure, I only have a 50% retention rate, but infertile, I am not. In July, Dan and I marked our four year wedding anniversary, and in that time I have been pregnant four times. I really liked being pregnant the…