I was sick yesterday. I came down with what seems like a never-ending case of strep throat at the very beginning of October and I still have it. This is the third time it has surfaced, after just finishing my second round of antibiotics and it got pretty bad this weekend. Because it is a strain that doesn’t seem…
Cutting the Cheese: A Case for Family Photography and an Explanation for my Broken Heart
I just got home from my second photoshoot of the day (note from the editor/writer: this was obviously written the night before it was published. On Saturday night. Does everything make sense now?). On top of everything else, I’m a photographer, and for the first time in a while, I’m back at it. I started…
Pardon my French: Why a Gender-Equal Cabinet is Important
It is another exciting day in the Canadian political landscape, and if that isn’t the most exciting opening sentence I have ever written, I don’t know what is. Today is the day that our new (and yes, handsome) Prime Minister is sworn in to office along with his chosen Cabinet. I am trying to decide…
Dear Gavin: A Love Letter to a Three (and a half) Year Old
After putting Gavin to bed last night, Dan and I started talking about how awesome our three-year-old is. He had made me laugh so hard as I was getting his pyjamas on him. They were his “cozy peegees”, fleece, and footed with a zipper that runs from the ankle to the neck. I zipped half way up…
Hating on Halloween
Every year when Halloween rolls around again, I’m convinced that I don’t like the holiday. I have a vague recollection that I might have liked it the previous year, but it makes no sense how that could be true. What is there to like about Halloween? Nothing. There are quite a few things that I…
Getting Closer to Words
The sheet is blank. There are no words. Well, now there are. Thirteen, to be exact. And now nineteen. And just like that, the sheet isn’t blank anymore. Something was said, by me actually. From my brain to my fingers, from my fingers to my keyboard, from my keyboard via Bluetooth to my iPad, from my iPad to…
You Can’t Improve on Perfection
“We’d love something funny”, Val told me as we were discussing Bonbon Break’s theme for the month: Inspire. “Funny isn’t really my style,” I told her. But as my wheels started turning, my mind kept gravitating to my frustration over inspirational Internet content. Sometimes it is wonderful, and sometimes it just really aren’t. So maybe, I can try funny… Have…
Babies Can’t Just Feed Themselves…
I would be lying if I told you that I love feeding my family. At one point in my life, it was a source of pride for me, but now it is a constant battle, waged twice daily. When Dan announced earlier this year that he was a “vegetarian” I actually got upset because he was…
The Family Who Votes Together
I’m really looking forward to Monday. (Who says that?) Monday is election day in Canada and we get to elect a new federal government. It is pretty darn exciting actually. I have no idea when elections became exciting to me. Initially, I think I enjoyed voting day because it was something new – a break in the…
Share Thanksgiving #Halifax!
Hey! Psst. If you’re in the Halifax Regional Municipality, this is for YOU. I need you to read it and think on it. I am calling you to action. I’m challenging you. And if you’re a reader who isn’t in the HRM, I encourage you to keep reading too. Maybe it will inspire you. And…
Spice Up a Seasoned Marriage with an At-Home Date
Remember back in the summer when we were on vacation and I was spending all my time with my family and my husband wasn’t working and we were in a really good place? September definitely brings everything back to reality, doesn’t it? Tonight I looked at the clock and realized that I had been managing…