My baby starts kindergarten tomorrow. Not the real baby, of course. The fact that he sometimes sleeps through the night is a big enough milestone for him. No. It is my first baby. Cameron. The five-year-old. (How the heck do I have a five-year-old?) (I mean. Actually how? I am twenty-nine years old. This reality…
Marriage in Vacation Mode
Well, we’ve officially reached the end of Phase 2 of vacation. Phase 1 ended when we came home from our two week trip, and I suppose Phase 3 will end when Cameron goes to school in September. (How long did that phase last? Since my maternity leave began in January? 5 years ago when Cameron…
When Kids Need Adventure
(This is a Netflix StreamTeam post but it mostly talks about adventure and the vacation we are currently on. Please continue reading.) I’m sitting in my Mother-in-law’s house writing this, at least a few days late. We’re in the middle of our family vacation and this is our first real taste of normal living with…
My Way or the FroYo Highway
I’m kind of particular. I’m that person in our marriage who knows how to load the dishwasher (the right way), for instance. But over the last seven years of being married and then being a co-parent, I’ve learned how important it is to not be picky. My husband is the tidy-freak. He hates clutter. He wants to constantly purge our…
What it Feels Like to be Needed
I’m sitting here at bedtime listening to my three- and five-year-olds call out “Mommy!” from their bedroom. Only, it isn’t really bedtime. It is three hours past bedtime because we’re waiting for the text from my husband to tell us to come pick him up from a meeting downtown that ran late. “MOMMY! I need…
Entertainment Through Generations
We didn’t have cable when I was really young. I spent the first seven years of my life in what felt like a television waste land. By the time we moved from my first house when I was seven, all of my friends were watching shows that I wasn’t allowed to watch, but it didn’t really…
Book Review: Open Boxes
Do you feel like your life is compartmentalized? Man. I sure do. And that is hard. I mean, honestly, it affects my marriage. It is so hard to be in mom-mode all day and then jump into wife-mode. And what about all the other parts of me? My passions? My goals? They don’t just sit around in a…
The Kids Are Alright
There are times when I feel utterly discouraged and I wonder if I have royally screwed up this responsibility of raising these kids I’ve been given. Maybe I’m too strict. Maybe I’m too angry and not patient enough. Maybe I don’t provide a loving enough place for my children to feel free to be themselves….
The Style Is In The Bag
It is hard being in your twenties and hearing people say that you don’t really “come into yourself” until you’re thirty and beyond. That’s especially hard to hear when you got yourself married and three kids before the big 3-0 hit – like maybe I couldn’t possibly know that I want to be married or have kids yet……
When The Stars Fall
In a house full of sports, figure skating is mine. Well, that and running. But let’s focus on the figure skating for a moment. I have come to enjoy watching football and golf and I even started cheering for a once-hated hockey team. I go to toddler soccer practice and stand on the sidelines. I…
She Never Needed to be Perfect
My Mom didn’t have it all together when I was a kid. It sounds like a terrible thing to say, especially considering all the guilt I know she carries from that time. While I reassure her about how lucky I am to have her as my mother, and I am lucky, those positive things aren’t what…