I kind of love technology. I never thought I would be one of those people who would read tech blogs or desire to be an early adopter or that I even would be an early adopter of a few things. I often consider the greater sociological impacts of some of the tech innovations we witness….
Book Review: The Girl on the Train
It is the book that everyone is talking about. It became a bestseller pretty much as soon as it hit shelves earlier this year. It has been heralded as “the next Gone Girl.” I knew I had to pick it up. The Girl on the Train is the newest bestselling psychological thriller. The story pivots around Rachel,…
Cameron at 5
Sometimes, life gets ahead of me. Even now, when I’m home and able to plan my days (essentially) however I want, I don’t find the time to sit and write and publish. I have been writing (did you see my post on Bonbon Break called Nails, Mascara and Other Reasons I Won’t Unfriend You on…
My Brother
Cameron’s name has been changed. We know when the change happened but we don’t know why. We have our theories but will never know for sure. What we do know for sure is that within our family, Cameron started to be referred to as “Brother”. This change was instigated by our sweet two-year-old Gavin last…
The Sneakers Make the Runner
I left my sneakers at my parents’ house this weekend. I forgot I had even pulled them out of the car this Easter weekend, and I really shouldn’t have, since I didn’t do any running while home for the holiday, but as anyone who tries to keep up some sort of regular running schedule knows,…
How to Throw a Pokémon Birthday Party
Those in the know know that my eldest boy loves Pokémon. While it certainly isn’t my preference that he constantly wants to watch the show on Netflix or that he talks incessantly about different Pokémon, their abilities, and recent battles, I can’t help but enjoy watching him embrace this current passion. When Cameron’s fifth birthday rolled…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to a 5 Year Old
Mom’s preamble: this letter wasn’t written or published on your actual birthday, but this was the year when we welcomed Logan into our family. On the day you turned five, Logan was only seven and a half weeks old. So, I hope you’ll forgive me for the lateness on this. Dear Cameron, You probably know…
An Unlikely Loneliness
I thought it would be the run that night that saved me. It had been a day; a day where I was the one apologizing to my kids. The toll of parenting these three kids, one of whom is a newborn, day and night manifested itself through me in anger and swear words and aggression…
Who You Will Become
We registered Cameron for Kindergarten this past week. In all the big things and transitions of parenting, this is one of those monumental milestones. Or, at least it feels that way to my husband. He’s feeling a little overwhelmed by this whole new stage. Suddenly, we have a kid who isn’t so little anymore. We have someone who is…
Like I Need a Hole in the Head
“You might want to leave. 90% of the parents choose to leave during this procedure. It can be hard to watch. Do you need anything? Why don’t you go get some lunch?” For the second time in 2015, we’re at the hospital. The first time was to bring my baby Logan home. Now, he’s back….
The Magic in Marriage
What does love in marriage look like? What does love look like with three kids under five? What does it look like when nights are full of newborn wake-ups and days are full of meetings and a child has laid claim on my breasts? What does love look like when life can be classified as…