See that? Way down at the bottom of the post? There’s a giveaway for a Dairy Queen gift certificate! Don’t miss it! I’m pretty proud of myself. You see, I have never called myself a baker of cakes. Sure, I can bake cookies and muffins. I can follow recipes. I can cook a really nice…
Book Review: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
You know those books that hook you right from the beginning and pull you through the whole story, page by page as you eagerly await to see how the author will wrap up the book? By the time you get to the end, you’re so invested that anything but the perfect ending will leave you…
Netflix is Raising my Children
I’m here to unabashedly state that I am relying on Netflix to get through my days. You may shake your head over this but at this moment, I really couldn’t care less. You see, I’m in survival mode. I went from a full time working Mom with two kids to a stay at home Mom with…
New Baby for Me, Shower for You | A Disney Baby Giveaway
There are certain times in your life when you realize that you are surrounded by so many people who have your back – or at least, I hope this is a common realization. I hope I’m not the only one who feels this. Whenever I wonder whether anyone really likes me or if I am…
Tweet Things Come in T(h)rees: A Birth Story
Did you know that only 5% of babies are born on their due dates? Personally, my statistics were even more extreme. Before going into labour with my third baby, 0% of my babies had come on or before their due dates. 100% of my babies had gone over, with my second pregnancy going over by 12…
Saying Goodbye to Our Village
“Tomorrow’s your last day of daycare, bud.” I was washing Gavin’s hands after our Pizza Thursday dinner last night. His little hands and face where covered in tomato sauce. “I want more,” he said. He wasn’t talking about the pizza. “More daycare?” “Yeah.” “But you’ll get to start being home with Mommy soon! Isn’t that…
Photo by Sonja Langford courtesy of Every year when January rolls around, I realize how much I love this month. It is so fresh and full of new resolve. I spent the first day of 2015 cleaning out a terribly disastrous email inbox and knocking a few of those long standing items off my…
Coming Back… Briefly: On My Last Week as a Working Mom
I didn’t realize how hard it has been. I was (am) determined to work until the end. My job isn’t that demanding. I wake up in the morning, get myself and the kids ready and out the door for our day. We park at the bus stop and the bus drops me off a block…
2014 in 12 Photos
2014 found me in two countries. I went ran a half marathon in the first month of the year and neared full-term pregnancy in the last month. I ran 4 races plus completed a “race” with my kids. I cut my hair. I became reacquainted with my role as a Swimming Mom while also becoming a Soccer…
2015 Media Kit for Bloggers
Every year January 1st hits and I get all anxious to get things done. Important things, but things that are tedious and often fall by the wayside at other times of the year. This year my January 1st projects involved cleaning out my inbox and updating my media kit. Media Kits are super important for…
Ringing in the New Year with Kids
It took me a while to adjust to New Year’s Eve with kids. Not only did we have kids, but all of our friends had kids too. And if you don’t know it before you have kids, you certainly do know it afterwards – with kids, routine is the most important thing. If your kid…