*Like other semi-regular weekly posts, I am going to try to write a faith-related post on Sundays. I recognize and understand that not everyone who might read this has the same faith beliefs that I do. Please read, if you want, because this is part of who I am, part of the mother that I…
Mommy’s Happy Boy
Earlier this week, there was a lot going on… a lot going on that I wasn’t happy about. Earlier this week, I was at the end of my rope. I wanted to blog about it. I almost needed to blog about it. But it isn’t good for me to write when I am in that…
Mommy Pictures: Natal Day
A couple of weekends ago, I had a wonderful weekend. My sister and her fiancé came to visit so that they could babysit while Dan and I went to a wedding. It was a long weekend, so my husband was home for an extra day. We got together with family lots and just had an…
Tonight, you needed your Momma. You needed me. You had been sleeping but eventually you found yourself lingering somewhere between desperately wanting to be asleep and trying to be asleep. That place? It is not a calming place to be for a little sleepy boy. You couldn’t get comfortable. You rolled to your belly and…
Mommy’s Dress-Up Doll
Right from the very beginning of my pregnancy, my husband was certain that we were having a boy. I wasn’t so sure. In fact, every time I pictured myself with a baby, I pictured a little girl baby. You see, I have two sisters. Everyone in my family is a woman except for my Dad….
Wordless Wednesday
Photo taken around the end of Cameron’s fourth month Laura (@LauraORourke) is a photographer who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A wife to Dan and a mother to Cameron, she spends her free time blogging and reading. Her blog finds its home at http://miraclesofamily.blogspot.com. Her photography can be found at http://www.olalaphotography.com.
Mommy Pictures: Five Months a Mommy
It rained yesterday. I am actually a huge fan of the rain. I think it comes from my years of working in the service industry. Rain means that people tend to stay inside and not go out. Whenever it rained on a work day, I knew I had a relaxing shift ahead of me. Now…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Five Month Old
Monster Tooth, Five months ago today, you became an outside baby and somehow, a very little you made the very big world a better place. I had no idea how much you would change my life in these past five months. Because of you, I am able to experience the joys of motherhood. Because of…
(Not so) Thinner Thursday
So, remember how last Thursday I was just getting over a cold and I was looking forward to being healthy and working out again? Well, a couple of hours after that blog was posted, I ended up at the doctor’s office getting a prescription for an ear infection. Of course, this meant that I have…
Mommy NIP
Well, it is World Breastfeeding Week, so I thought I would dedicate a blog post to the way my baby has gotten food for the last five months of his life. My sister noticed the badge on the right hand side of my blog and decided to comment when she saw me nursing Cameron at…
Sharp Little Bugger
It is tough being the Mommy of a teething baby. Cameron started drooling in May (around two months old). From that point on, I noticed lots of teething symptoms. Some people told me “Oh, he can’t be teething – babies don’t do that this early”, but I knew some things they didn’t. I knew that…