Well, it is World Breastfeeding Week, so I thought I would dedicate a blog post to the way my baby has gotten food for the last five months of his life. My sister noticed the badge on the right hand side of my blog and decided to comment when she saw me nursing Cameron at…
Sharp Little Bugger
It is tough being the Mommy of a teething baby. Cameron started drooling in May (around two months old). From that point on, I noticed lots of teething symptoms. Some people told me “Oh, he can’t be teething – babies don’t do that this early”, but I knew some things they didn’t. I knew that…
Mommy and Daddy’s Great Sleep Debate
So, Cameron moved to his crib last Monday night. Kinda. I guess I should start at the beginning, because honesty? This one simple change of beds wasn’t so simple. When Cameron came home from the hospital, he spent all of his nights in the cradle that I spent my first nights in. We have a…
Mommy Pictures: Mommy of One (For Now)
So, I’m not pregnant. WHAT?! Okay, I am not trying to get pregnant, nor did I really think I was pregnant. But I did pee on a stick yesterday. You see, a post-pregnant body goes through some major changes. And sometimes, these changes are confusing and I, for one, am sometimes confused as to what…
Wordless Wednesday
Photo taken Sunday, July 25, 2010 4 months, 2 weeks, 5 days old / 20 weeks, 1 day old Laura (@LauraORourke) is a photographer who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A wife to Dan and a mother to Cameron, she spends her free time blogging and reading. Her blog finds its home at http://miraclesofamily.blogspot.com. Her…
Mommy’s Nerves
This past week has been crazy (the lack of posts are not because I’m lazy, but because I haven’t been able to find the time). We’ve been fighting these colds, I’ve thrown a bachelorette party, Cameron and I have visited my Mom, and I have a lot of work on my plate. Combine this with…
Sick Babies
(Please take note: While inside this post, all italics are meant to be read with an English accent. Make sure you watch the video to understand why.) Our house is full of sick men right now. Have you ever seen a sick man before? It is pretty much exactly like this: Yup, my husband has…
I find it very hard to leave my baby. Okay, sure, I’ll leave him home with my husband for half an hour while I go to the drug store, but anything more than that and I have a very hard time. Here’s the thing though – You might have heard me mentioning that in order…
Mommy Pictures: A Day in the Life
No one can ever tell me that this job is easy. My Hungry Monster still wakes up at least twice, sometimes three times a night. We normally wake up at 1 or 2am, 4 or 5am, and then sometimes at 6am. The last wake-up is usually because my baby is gassy or otherwise uncomfortable. I…
The Swaddle Saga
A while ago (June 22nd to be exact), I put Cameron in his bed, and he was fast asleep. Normally he gets restless in his bed until I swaddle him and then he’s out. I had been considering de-swaddling for a while, but I just didn’t know how to go about it. So, when I…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Four Month Old
**Disclaimer: I really wrestled with whether I should post this today. Today Cameron is four months old. This really is meant to be a letter to my son about the last month, not just a gimmick for a blog. And so, for the first time, I have written about what is going on that has…