Am I the only Mom who doesn’t prioritize trips to the salon? I can’t be. Up until August, my hair was long. Really long. Hasn’t-been-cut-since-2012 long. I tell myself that I was growing it out and that I liked long hair, but truthfully, I was hopeless when it came to styling it and I couldn’t…
Let the Adventures Continue
Labour Day weekend is here. It has always been the last (long) weekend of “summer” because school always started the week after Labour Day for us. I wish I was out camping right now, because that’s what I grew up doing – going camping on the Labour Day long weekend; hiking, reading, putting on fleece…
Making Hand-Washing Fun
I used to try to cut as many corners as I possibly could when I was a child and a young teen. How much toilet paper could I use to still leave enough on the roll so I wouldn’t be required to change it? How far would the car drive, and could I justify not putting…
A Cross-Cultural Marriage
Before my husband and I got married, we had an understanding that he would lead in the marriage, and I would submit. Now, before you have a chance to protest at such archaic thinking, let me explain what I mean. For my husband, it meant that he would agree to put aside his natural tendency…
Book Review: Tell The Wolves I’m Home
Do you remember being a kid? I remember when time felt infinite and space was not bound by walls. I remember when a daydream was as real to me as a trip to the grocery store with my Mom. Part of the growing up process means transitioning from that place to one where the reality of…
5 Ways to Keep The Spark Alive
It’s a proven fact that a couple’s sex life can wax and wane during the years of marriage. Certain things like work stress and travel, the birth of children and even our own insecurities can get in the way of a healthy and regular sex life. Well, that’s just a shame! Because sex is good…
What Do I Know of Marriage?
I don’t know what to write about marriage. After all, I’ve only been married a few years–7 to be exact. What do I know of marriage? I can’t remember a time that I didn’t want to be married or have children. It was the natural projection of my life, something I’d revered from an early…
The Importance of Reading with Kids and a Disney Baby Giveaway
I was solo-parenting on Thursday night while Dan was away on a work retreat. I was absolutely dreading bedtime, knowing how my kids choose their bedtime behaviour based on which parent is dealing with them at the time. If I’m out and Dan’s parenting alone, they’re angels at bedtime. If I’m around though – well,…
Back to Everything
Here we are again. Back To School. Except, to be fair, just like last year there is no Back To School for my family this year. We’ve got two parents who work full time and two pre-school kids in daycare. Even in the summer. We did have a brief Back to Daycare experience at the beginning…
Stronger, Together
My husband, Todd and I have been together 11 years. We just celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Seven years. That’s a long time nowadays and I’m a piece of work, so much of the credit goes to him. I’m moody, would rather avoid confrontation than sit down and discuss things like a rational adult; I…
My Rock
When you are the kind of person who says things like, “I’d rather have an engagement car than an engagement ring.” (Practical to a fault? Maybe.) you really hope those words are taken to heart. You don’t say these things lightly and you don’t say them to be dramatic or facetious. You say them because…