Things change so quickly. Since Cameron’s birthday, I’ve heard the phrase “They grow up so fast” often. I’ve said it. You’ve said it to me. As parents, we say this to try to gain back some of our power over time, as if, by acknowledging its speed we can somehow focus so hard on the…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to a 4 Year Old
I keep staring. I just can’t take my eyes off of you. Last weekend, someone told me that you must have had a growth spurt lately because you look like you’ve grown. I just shrugged it off. I must not have noticed because I see you day after day. On Thursday you turned four. And…
Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars
Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark upon the world. Bequeathing a legacy. Outlasting death. We all want to be remembered. -The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Chapter 25 There’s a reason that The Fault in Our Stars has skyrocketed to the top of best seller charts. This young-adult fiction is a gripping,…
When Katie Asked Away
Have you met Katie? Okay, I have a bit of a confession to make here: I’ve been reading Katie’s blog, Sluiter Nation, for a lot longer than she has even known about me. I’ve been a longtime fan, new-time friend. Katie has two boys, just like I do and so I have always felt a…
The One Where I Answer Questions About Love and Stuff
I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately. I’m not sure if it is because my always overflowing schedule has finally caused burn out, if I am experience a case of the SADS (seasonal affective disorder), or if this is just one of those times in someone’s life where things are a little more…
#ShareSomeLove and Decorate for Valentine’s Day
For a number of reasons, Valentine’s Day is much loved by me. As this is our first Valentine’s Day in our new house, I’m faced with two challenges to overcome: I have never done any sort of decorating for Valentine’s Day in our apartments, so our house is lacking that festive spirit, and I’m super…
To Inspire
Do you know what it feels like to be completely inspired? I do. It is a feeling that starts right in the middle of your tummy and gushes outwards, forcing enough pressure through your limbs to incite action. You just can’t help doing when you’re truly inspired. In high school, I would fill notebooks up…
The Fear in the Fundraising
There are a lot of scary things in life. I’m currently binge-watching Bones on Netflix while I go about certain solitary tasks around my house like folding laundry and doing the dishes (and adding the photos to this blog post…). The fictional scenarios in that show can be very scary. Perhaps relatedly, a noise from…
I was among the first of my friends to get engaged. I was 21 years old and was beginning my final year of my undergrad when Dan popped the question. While my age would not have seemed young in 1979, when 22 and a half years was the average for women to get married, in…
When Greta Asked Away
Have you met Greta? Greta is the first American bloggy friend that I have met in person (I think. Don’t quote me on that). We didn’t just meet. We ran a half marathon together. We wore matching tutus (but we didn’t get a picture together). We laid on a hotel bed together while laughing and…
Motherhood sits precariously between total heart explosion and total mental breakdown.