Cameron hasn’t been a Mama’s boy since Gavin was born. It probably started before that, if I’m being honest. He started favouriting his Dad when I went back to work after his maternity leave. But he’d still cycle back, keeping me as a viable option for favourite parent position. When I left work early before…
How Netflix Saved Earth Day
This week. It all started with Easter weekend. It was a busy one. Saturday morning we went to a friend’s house for a brunch potluck with four other families. By Saturday evening, my parents and youngest sister had arrived. We had them and a guest over for Sunday lunch and then added my other sister,…
The Best Medicine
After church on Sunday, I held two little hands and walked down the front steps into the sunshine. Directly behind us was a couple from our church. We chatted as we walked towards our respective cars. “How is your family, Laura? Is anyone still sick?” I almost said “We’re great!” but then I remembered the…
Book Review: The Book Thief
If you’re going to write a book about the power of words, you need to be able to write powerful words. This was the thought that kept going through my head as I read through The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This book had been on my to-read list for a very long time – years…
Boy Clothes
“I bet you’d like to have a girl.” I hear that a lot. Boy-moms hear that a lot. (I assume girl-moms hear the opposite, as if being a parent to only one gender is somehow not completely fulfilling, which is ludicrous, of course.) Strangely, at the centre of the comments that I usually hear, there…
Is BlackBerry Really an Option?
So here’s some preliminary information about me that will be relevant: I’m an Android user. A Samsung Galaxy S3 to be exact. Before I got this Android for Christmas, I owned an iPhone, a Blackberry, another iPhone, and another Blackberry, in succession. And since acquiring my Samsung Galaxy S3, I had the option to swap…
Searching for Spring
I once loved winter. It used to be my favourite season. It contained my favourite holidays,Christmas and Valentine’s Day (otherwise known as my birthday). The crisp fallen snow on a lawn made everything look so peaceful and quiet and beautiful. And crunching in that snow for the very first time to create footprints made me…
How I Survived this Long Winter without Cable
Hi. My name is Laura and I’m a television addict. I love television, but we don’t have cable. You see, times are a-changing. People like me want to watch shows when we want, where we want, and arguably with fewer commercials (though, I have noticed that with my online viewing habits, and the tendency to…
Halifax: Run the Sold Out Sole Sisters Race!
I’m a huge race nerd. Running can suck, but races totally make it worthwhile. I know how hard it is to run your first race. You feel like you need to be “a runner” (whatever that means. You look at me and see “a runner” because I made it through a half marathon at Disney….
Fasting is Physical
Faith is so ethereal, isn’t it? I mean, I know it is. It is perfect and light and otherworldly. But so often we leave it at that. So often I leave it at that. I don’t let it permeate into my life on this world too. I try, but so often I get distracted, remembering only to…
What Marriage, Doctor Who, and the Kardashians Have in Common
Some time ago Laura asked me to contribute something to her blog. And like any good husband I procrastinated, delayed, and invented implausible excuses. Years have since passed. Thankfully, Laura is less patient about other requests, otherwise dishes might be stacked to the ceiling, the floor might be covered in cheerios and we would have…