“A few short months are all it will take to make a killer out of her.” (Chapter 1) I picked up The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison because it was suggested that I would like this book if I liked Gone Girl. A few paragraphs into the first chapter was all I needed to realize that…
How To Run Your Best Race: Super Fast
Until recently, I kind of forgot that Amy was always the athletic one growing up. At nearly three years my junior, she was the sporty one. That’s what happens in families. You forge your own niches to stand out from the rest of your siblings. We both were successful in school and filled our schedules…
Why Moms Run
I often wonder why I chose NOW to run. No, I don’t mean now now. I’m not certainly not running now as I am typing and I won’t be running the moment this post goes live, and it is probably unlikely that I will be running while you are reading these words. By “now”, I mean…
Starting Daycare
This year, we were blissfully unaffected by the typical September routine shakeup that most people know as Back To School. Still, as parents are dropping off children at preschool and kindergarten for the first time; as they walk away, wondering if their children’s days will be good or if they will miss them at all,…
Y is for Your Sister
To my baby sister, (and any other young girl starting university,) This letter is timely. I’m not sure if you’re following the news, but my head is currently reeling from learning of a chant that was sung during this year’s frosh week at a local university. When I heard the words of the chant read…
The Teacher In Me
There was never a doubt in my mind that I would be a teacher. I was certain of my calling as early as the second grade. We had just moved to a new town and while I wished I was back at my old school with my old friends, Madame Stephens made me love that…
Office Makeover
I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t celebrate the end of summer. I know I shouldn’t look forward to cooler temperatures. I know I shouldn’t be pulling out the scarves before putting away the shorts. But I can’t help it. And I’m not really sorry. I love fall. Ergo, I love September. I’m not going “Back…
Book Review: Love Anthony
We all dream of having the perfectly normal family, don’t we? Kids who are healthy. A marriage that succeeds. A house, financial security, and friends whom we can fall back on. It is the dream. An attainable dream, we hope. Or, perhaps not. In Lisa Genova’s novel, Love Anthony, the narrators Beth and Olivia both watch as…
A Foolproof Method of Birth Control
To maintain the utmost discretion, the list below is a compilation of experiences that friends have shared with me, along with some of my own experiences. I have a very hard time remembering past moves. I vaguely remember pulling up to the front of residence in first year university to unload enough stuff to fill…
In His Arms
(Written a few days before we closed on the new house.) There was once a place that I thought was perfect. I’d lay there and know that nothing could touch me. Not stress. Not anger. Not sadness. Not pain. The world disappeared and I was free to just breathe. I remember that place so vividly,…
The End of Great Things = One Celebratory Giveaway
We live eleven minutes from the beach. For the past four years we have lived 21 minutes from the beach (that should tell you roughly how far we moved). In all that time, (plus the previous three years I’ve lived in this city,) I have only been to the beach twice. Once last year, and…