I have to admit that I have been struggling. With the new year came a fresh perspective, a desire to start anew and rid myself of all the negativity that last year brought. A new year can mean new adventures, new stories, and new chances. I was ready and motivated to embrace all of that….
Doing It All
Mess Mama!
“Mama! Mama! MESS! Mess Mama!” You were frantic, pointing down at the filthy floor and examining your now soiled sock. You, my sweet boy, are so much like me. I keep seeing this. You like the feeling of multiple blankets on top of you when you go to sleep and you prefer them to be…
Make-Down: Faces of a Family
Since I was a little girl, I have always had a stash of make-up for when I really needed it. It started with a simple play set which included lipgloss, blush, and probably loads of lead. As I matured, so too did my make-up materials. I started using eye-shadow, foundation, mascara, and in time eyelash curlers and eye-liner….
Any Other Day
This morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing at 4:45am, just like any other day. I took a deep breath and cringed as my blankets were pulled back and the cold air embraced my body. In the dark, I scrambled to tie up my housecoat and find some semblance of a…
Takes the Cake
There is a lot to consider when starting a family. So many of the unknowns and the possibilities are exciting. Some are unnerving. Others are downright frightening. But mostly, the idea of starting a family and doing all sorts of family-things together is pretty darn wonderful. But I have always been worried about one family-related…
I Was Home – Faces of a Family
I was so excited about this past weekend. I was finally going to meet my new niece Ella. And although this brand new baby was the primary purpose of our trip, I was mostly excited to bring together my entire family in its current form. My parents, two sisters, one brother-in-law, my husband, one toddler, and (now)…
Faces of a Family: Week 3: Postscript
Previous Weeks
Faces of a Family: Week 2: Sick Blessings
Fridays are tough for me. As the week draws to a close I find myself getting more and more exhausted and more and more ready for a break. I usually find myself trudging home tired and ready for the weekend to start. This past Friday was no exception. It was raining, my boots had all…
In the Delivery Room
I could talk about my childbirth experience all day long. It is probably the best story I have. It has everything a good story needs. Action. Conflict. Blood and Gore. Sweat and Tears. Pain. Hard Work. Agonizing Suspense. Climax. And finally, a perfect resolution. But if you’re thinking about having a baby any time soon,…
If you’ve been around me, either online or in person, for at least a year, you’d assume that I love coffee. And you’d mostly be right. I love the aroma of coffee. I love its warmth. I love its jolt in the morning and I love the mug it comes in. I love that taking a…
Faces of a Family: Week 1: My Baby
I am finding myself using the term “baby” quite often. This should be understandable considering I am pregnant and have absolutely no names picked out for my unborn child. But despite calling the little one growing inside of me “our baby”, I am actually using the term more and more when talking to my ever-growing…