We’ve taken some big steps together, Little One. Well really, you have taken some of the biggest steps. And I am so proud to watch you grow and learn and make these big, first steps. But Baby, each one of these steps? Is a step away from me. For nine months we were closer than anyone…
Beautiful Chaos
So, I’ve been doing this Project 365 thing over on my photography blog where I take one photo a day for a year. On Tuesday, I took a photo of a shelf in our house that is supposed to hold some of Cameron’s books and toys in our kitchen. The purpose of my photo was to…
Groundhog Day
I’ve never seen the movie Groundhog Day so I probably won’t make an entirely appropriate cultural reference, but I get the gist. And I feel like I am stuck in my own personal Groundhog Day hell. Actually, I feel as if I am stuck in a Groundhog Day loop that repeats a day three months ago. Or,…
Reaching Out
I’ve pretty much accepted my role as Cameron’s #1. When he falls and bumps his head, he looks for Momma’s snuggles. When he is trying to get back to sleep at night, he relies on the comfort and consistency of my arms. When he needs someone, it is me he reaches for. I’m not complaining….
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to my Eight Month Old
My precious baby Cameron, On Saturday you became eight months old. It is funny thinking back eight months. I never really thought I’d have an eight month old – not because I didn’t think you’d ever get to this age, but because I am so often stuck in the constancy of the moment, despite the…
Mommy Savings Time
I eagerly signed up for this. I was excited to be a mom long before Cameron was even a possibility and I knew that I would just love motherhood. And I really do. I know, I had loads of time to prepare. Nine months is a good long time. But can you really fully prepare…
Mommyhood Survival Guide: Weddings (Complete with Mommy Pictures)
Can I tell you a secret? I was totally dreading my sister’s wedding. It wasn’t because I disliked her fiancé-now-husband. No, I am so thrilled to call him my brother-in-law! It wasn’t because she was a terrible Bridezilla either. No, I was dreading her wedding because I had no idea how to take care of a…
Mommy NIP
Well, it is World Breastfeeding Week, so I thought I would dedicate a blog post to the way my baby has gotten food for the last five months of his life. My sister noticed the badge on the right hand side of my blog and decided to comment when she saw me nursing Cameron at…