Today is Labour Day. The end to a weekend of camping, a summer of camping, when I was a kid. A day of returning home, packing the stiff, new backpack, laying out those pristine, new, back-to-school clothes that have been unworn, waiting for this very occasion. A day of excitement. Nervousness. Anticipation. Anxiety. A new…
When Will I Learn?
“We’re pregnant again” she told me. Oh bliss! Oh joy! Oh the wonderful blessing of new life! When are you due? She told me, and then “but I will probably have the baby sooner because of the scheduled C-section.” What?! You don’t want to try for a VBAC? You know if you do, you should…
One Step
There is just something about goals that keeps every Mommy going. The goal to have dinner made in the evening. The goal to clean the bathroom by the end of the week. Goals to teach children to use the potty or to transition from a crib. A goal to sleep through the night. During those…
Fluff in Numbers
If you know a few moms, you likely know at least one who uses cloth diapers on her kids. The practice really has become normalized these days. Still, when I tell people that we use cloth diapers, I get strange looks and questions. Some people still picture an off white cloth with safety pins wrapped…
That Family
Last week, we packed up and piled in our tiny Yaris to embark on our third roadtrip in as many weekends. This time, we were on our way to Cape Breton, a cozy island on the tip of our province. We were off to meet family visiting from Toronto and to give my husband and…
Making Friends: A Vlog in which we Adopt a Cat
“We have been to Build-A-Bear twice and we still don’t have a bear!” my husband said as we walked out of the mall on Thursday evening. It is true. We first went to Build-A-Bear a short time after Gavin was born. It was part of our attempt to treat Cameron a little special now that he…
Blissdom Dreams: 5 Reasons Why I NEED to go to BlissDom Canada
Have you heard of BlissDom Canada? It is a conference for Canadian bloggers (and other relevant people) to get together and support this thing we love to do. And guys? I want to go! Badly. In fact, I think I need to go. “Need” is a strong word, but it is apt. Don’t believe me?…
Am I Happy?
Monday was a holiday. As luck would have it, three of my bestest friends from high school and university were in my city at the same time and were able to get together for brunch. They each live their lives in different cities across our vast country, and the city I live in isn’t even…
The Ever After
This past weekend, we hopped provincial lines to attend my cousin’s wedding. (Congratulations Tiffany and Andrew!) I have been to quite a few weddings over the past few years. I am right at that age where my friends and my husband’s friends are getting married. Additionally, Dan and I have been lucky to attend many…
A Lot
“My day! You have no idea! One kid woke up from his nap in a worse mood than when he went down, another kid outright refused to nap, another one blew out his diaper, and another one refused to listen to me. And all of them were crying. At the same time!” I had picked up…
My Time
We were sitting around a living room, drinking coffee and nibbling on fresh baked goods. A few kids were in the basement, while mine ran up and down the stairs hoping for just one more bite of blueberry loaf. We were women, together to pray, to learn, and to fellowship. On the video screen was…