I made a lock screen for your iPhone! What better way to memorize scripture than to see it every time you pick up your phone? To install, visit this page on your mobile device, click on the image and save it to your phone. Go into your Photo library, select this photo, use the arrow…
Mommy Gets Fluffy
Before having a baby, I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to go out of my way to make my kid organic. I may have even rolled my eyes at the Crunchy-Mom-type who treats high-fructose corn syrup like poison, who puts flax in her kid’s birthday cake, who refuse to purchase Johnson & Johnson…
How Not to Date While Parent
I remember our last date. We went out for coffee. Late. First we had to make sure our baby was asleep. We stayed for about an hour before heading back. It was Christmastime. In Toronto. In 2010. Yup, I said it. Our last date was a year and a half ago. Since that date, we…
I Will. I Do.
Have you heard the one where the couple decide to have a baby to make their relationship closer? Yeah. Haha, right? It is a giant misconception, that a baby will save a relationship. Babies are black holes. Little, tiny, exceptionally cute, massive black holes that suck all focus and attention and energy their way. No matter how much…
The Mom I Want To Be
Mommy-guilt isn’t a new concept to anyone. If you’ve been a mother, you’ve experienced Mom-guilt. If you know a mother, you know about Mom-guilt. It is pretty much understood that by having the extraordinary responsibility to raise exceptional human beings, a parent is going to feel less than suitable for the position every once in…
Little Too Big
As Cameron’s language skills have been developing, we have gotten to a point as a family where we can pretty much understand everything he is trying to express. At times though, there have been words that stump us for a long while. “Ridrent” was one. It took me weeks to finally figure out that Cameron was…
Breasts and Buts
Breasts. What do you immidiately picture when I say that word? Okay, I know what you picture, but what is the context? Do you see the latest cover of a Victoria Secret magazine? Maybe a scene from the most recent movie you’ve watched? Perhaps you picture the scantily-clad girl you just passed on the street or…
Get Out That Door
I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. It isn’t debilitating and I manage it well, but every once in a while I start to notice that familiar feeling of fear and stress rise up within me. Because it doesn’t happen often, I tend not to notice it until it has taken a firm grasp…
The Father He Is
I don’t know why it is so hard for me to express my Father’s Day thoughts. I write about family. That is what I do. But today, it isn’t so easy. Maybe it is because I know that no matter what I do, I cannot make this Father’s Day great for my husband. In fact,…
As I neared the end of my pregnancy with Gavin, I wanted to ensure that Cameron would still be getting entertainment and stimulation and special Cameron-only activities. I signed him up for a few programs that were to start a few weeks before my due date. Specifically, I had him enrolled in a program at…
Imagine Life Instead
Truthfully? Things have been tough lately. Today marks the start of Gavin’s seventh week on earth and Dan’s third week back at work. The transition to full-time solo-parenting between the hours of nine and five would be a tough transition for anyone, but we’ve been faced with a slightly more challenging scenario. As I type…