I love my kids. I love them from the moment I first find out that I am pregnant. I love them the second they are placed in my arms after birth. From the instant they enter my life, they are loved by me. But there is a moment – one distinct moment that I have experienced…
The Tweetest Thing: A Birth Story
Here is my confession: I don’t like reading Birth Stories. I love the actual story, but when written down they tend to get long and wordy before they start getting interesting. While I’m at it, I might as well admit something else: After going through hours of labour, the memory of my birthing experiences always seem…
Never Easy
I can only describe that moment as chaotic. There I was, standing in the middle of my messy kitchen, the dishwasher open and half-filled to my left, a family room ahead of me with empty toy boxes and toys strewn everywhere. My husband was resting on the couch, my baby boy was stirring in his…
Extremely Mom Enough
I don’t make it a habit to publicly proclaim my opinion on something without educating myself as much as possible on the matter. For example, despite already feeling like I have surmised an opinion on the new it-book 50 Shades of Grey, you won’t find me blogging to the world about it (yet) because I…
Mama Home
“Dada? Mama sick. Mama sick. Mama no home.” We had just seen Cameron for the first time after leaving home for the hospital nineteen hours earlier to deliver his baby brother. For the first time in a long time, someone other than Mommy or Daddy had put him to bed the night before and for…
You can just picture it can’t you? An extremely pregnant woman. In public. Surrounded by people. Suddenly, the camera zooms in on her face and she stops… startled. “I think…” she says, “I think my water just broke!” Every sitcom or movie that stars a pregnant character has a scene like this. People rush to…
Seventeen years ago. I was a nine year old little girl unbelievably excited about something special. My Mom was having another baby. I was much older than Cameron was so I understood that it would take time for this new little baby to grow inside my mother. I knew when she was due and I counted…
As my belly has grown larger and my pregnant days continue to tick off, gravity seems to be my worst enemy. Everything seems heavier. I have never been so conscious of the natural phenomenon that attracts my body to the center of the earth as when I am pregnant. I have never been more aware…
Not At My Best
I don’t know what changed. A due date is really no different than any other day late in pregnancy. But since my due date passed, I have hit a wall. A switch has been thrown and I seem to have reached a breaking point. I don’t need this baby to be born right now. I…
Pregnancy Plateau
I have made it. To that pinnacle of pregnancy. My due date. And still my baby is snug inside of me. Sigh. Today is precisely why I hate due dates. Because even though everyone knows that babies are rarely born on their actual estimated date of delivery, a due date feels more like an expiry…
Welcome to the World, Nameless!
As little girls grow up they dream about being an adult and doing adult things. They dream about staying up late and watching whatever television show they want and grocery shopping for whatever food they want to eat. They dream about accomplishing big things and changing the world. And, at least in my case, they…