As little girls grow up they dream about being an adult and doing adult things. They dream about staying up late and watching whatever television show they want and grocery shopping for whatever food they want to eat. They dream about accomplishing big things and changing the world. And, at least in my case, they…
How to Pack a Hospital Bag (with Free Printable!)
I am so amazed at you, my readers! There are some great additional ideas for what to pack in your hospital bag in the comments. Be sure to check them out after you’ve read this post and leave your own suggestions. Being someone who has already had a baby, I tend to be the go-to…
Caught Unprepared
“I am pretty sure this is just your body getting ready to go into labour,” my husband said, standing at the threshold to our bedroom. “I sure hope not,” I moaned. “I would much rather my body prepare itself by giving me energy to get everything ready.” I was laying in bed, 37 weeks pregnant,…
The Final Stretch
I once read that you know you’re really in the third trimester when the prospect of delivering a baby is actually a desirable option*. As someone who freaked out during my first pregnancy when the Internet told me my baby was as big as a cantaloupe (20ish weeks) because I realized that this cantaloupe-sized thing in me…
And Then There Were Two
I am experiencing this pregnancy so differently from my first. When I was first pregnant with Cameron, everything was new. The hope contained within my body was the promise of a family. Mommy. Daddy. Child. Every moment was spent dreaming about this little life that would bless us with his presence within a few months….
Mess Mama!
“Mama! Mama! MESS! Mess Mama!” You were frantic, pointing down at the filthy floor and examining your now soiled sock. You, my sweet boy, are so much like me. I keep seeing this. You like the feeling of multiple blankets on top of you when you go to sleep and you prefer them to be…
Striking Out of Control – Because it is All About Me
In light of some comments I’ve received, I want to state that this post is mostly about my experience as a parent, not the Halifax transit strike. I used the Halifax transit strike as a way to explain my feelings of being out-of-control, because the reality is, I have no control over what is going…
Not So Long Now
April seems impossibly far away in the dead of winter. As I spend my days walking to and from work in negative temperatures, trying to avoid slushy puddles and giant snowbanks while complaining about this city’s complete inability to make the roads passable, I can’t imagine that in a few short months I won’t be needing the…
More Than I Can Handle
Monday morning. 7 am. I had already been up for an hour enjoying the only 60 minutes of my day that are entirely quiet, entirely alone, entirely mine. The previous night had been fraught with restlessness as we found ourselves awake and cleaning up toddler vomit. As the clock turned from six-fifty-nine to seven-oh-oh, I came…
In the Delivery Room
I could talk about my childbirth experience all day long. It is probably the best story I have. It has everything a good story needs. Action. Conflict. Blood and Gore. Sweat and Tears. Pain. Hard Work. Agonizing Suspense. Climax. And finally, a perfect resolution. But if you’re thinking about having a baby any time soon,…
If you’ve been around me, either online or in person, for at least a year, you’d assume that I love coffee. And you’d mostly be right. I love the aroma of coffee. I love its warmth. I love its jolt in the morning and I love the mug it comes in. I love that taking a…