(click through to see full photo) That’s what little Simeon answered when I asked him how old he was now. “TwoTwo”. And when a little boy turns TwoTwo, it is only appropriate to have a big ole celebration… [continue reading] Laura (@LauraORourke) is a photographer who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A wife to Dan…
Twenty-Five with Smooth Legs
The baby’s getting sleepy. I’d better heat up a bottle. Man, I hope that bottle would hurry up and heat up. He’s getting cranky. Finally. Warm milk. Happy, resting baby in my arms. Bottle’s empty. Baby’s in bed. Fussy. Just fall asleep. Shhhh. You and I both know that you’re tired. You’d be…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to my Eight Month Old
My precious baby Cameron, On Saturday you became eight months old. It is funny thinking back eight months. I never really thought I’d have an eight month old – not because I didn’t think you’d ever get to this age, but because I am so often stuck in the constancy of the moment, despite the…
Mommy Savings Time
I eagerly signed up for this. I was excited to be a mom long before Cameron was even a possibility and I knew that I would just love motherhood. And I really do. I know, I had loads of time to prepare. Nine months is a good long time. But can you really fully prepare…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Six Month Old
**Cameron turned six months old yesterday.** Half a year. That’s how long you’ve been an outside baby, Mr. Pants. That’s how long you’ve been in our world. That’s how long I’ve been able to hold you in my arms. Half of a glorious year. The other night, you and I were snuggling in bed, and…
Mommy Pictures: Five Months a Mommy
It rained yesterday. I am actually a huge fan of the rain. I think it comes from my years of working in the service industry. Rain means that people tend to stay inside and not go out. Whenever it rained on a work day, I knew I had a relaxing shift ahead of me. Now…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Five Month Old
Monster Tooth, Five months ago today, you became an outside baby and somehow, a very little you made the very big world a better place. I had no idea how much you would change my life in these past five months. Because of you, I am able to experience the joys of motherhood. Because of…
Thinner Thursday
I’ve tried to work out before. Do you know what has always been my downfall? Getting sick. Each and every time I get myself into a routine, sickness strikes and I fall out of it, never really getting back into the swing of things. Do you remember what I have been dealing with during this…
Dear Cameron: A Love Letter to My Four Month Old
**Disclaimer: I really wrestled with whether I should post this today. Today Cameron is four months old. This really is meant to be a letter to my son about the last month, not just a gimmick for a blog. And so, for the first time, I have written about what is going on that has…