Before I get to my post, let me be honest with you. When Laura gave me the opportunity to guest post for her, I was beyond excited! I am a fairly new blogger and I was so excited to not only guest post on a blog I love, but also for a fellow Nova Scotian…
Third Time’s a Charm
I don’t go around telling people that I’m married to husband #3, but I also don’t make a secret out of it and I certainly don’t feel bad about it when the topic comes up. Marriage means many things to many different people, and my understanding of it has definitely changed over the years. I…
The 4 H’s Of A Relatively Successful Marriage
“If you don’t stop obsessing, and talking about your weight and diet, I swear to God, I’m going to punch you in the face,” I glared at my husband. “I’m trying to lose it all before the twins are born, so I can be fit and healthy. Four kids, remember?” “Oh…… but can you do…
My Big Normal News
People keep asking me how I’m feeling and I keep having to remind myself why they’re asking. Oh right. I’m pregnant. Pregnancy is almost a non-event the third time around. (Or, at least, being 13 weeks pregnant as a Mama of two makes it a non-event). I’m out of the nauseous stage and even starting to regain…
We’re On Each Other’s Team
A decade ago my husband, Cortney, asked me to be his wife. How we got to this place is a story that I am asked over and over because it is very much one of the “meant to be” stories. The short version is that we grew up in the same small town, went to…
Writing Vows
July is here, which means that the year is half-over. I’ve received a few reminders to revisit those New Year’s Resolutions from well-meaninged friends on Twitter and motivational emails in the inbox. “It is half-way through the year! How are those resolutions coming?”. It is an interesting idea, to think about how we’ve bettered ourselves in…
When Kids Get Dirty
Do you know how I know that summer is here? The dirt. I am a Mom of little boys. I am not making any gender claims here. I have no idea if this is the case with all kids, just boys, or just my kids, but BOY OH BOY do my boys get dirty! These…
A Kid-Friendly Summer of Smoothies
Photo obtained under Creative Commons Licence from Lars Plougmann My husband is much more adventurous in the kitchen with my kids. Or maybe he just has more energy. Regardless, it is he who is always pulling out the blender, dragging the chairs to the counter, and letting the kids plop berries and bananas and ice cream…
Your Summer Watch List
While Netflix is great for the kids, let’s be real here Moms (and okay, you too Dads). One of the best parts about Netflix is that it can be watched on a plethora of devices. If the kids are in the television room and you need a break, you can always grab a show on…
Book Review: The Invention of Wings
I’m sitting here trying to write about Sue Monk Kidd’s novel, The Invention of Wings. I know that there is so much to write about. I know that someone could write whole essays on individual paragraphs of this novel. But sometimes, when a book is just this full and this powerful, all I want to do…
The Right Time
Dan has been telling me that I should run for office for years now. While I love watching the political system, I have never considered myself the right person for the job, for a number of reasons. Especially right now, my role as a young working mother persuades me to think that it is not the right time to…