I believe in marriage. I wholeheartedly believe I know what it takes to be a loving wife, a wonderful mother…a fabulous partner. I know that saying those vows in front of all of your friends and in the name of God was by far one of the most important things I’ve ever done. The moment…
Book Review: The Paris Wife
It seems fitting that this book review coincides with my Writing Vows summer guest blogging series on marriage. The Paris Wife by Paula McLain considers the topic of marriage as well as the role of women in such institution through the story of Ernest Hemingway’s first wife, Hadley and their relationship. Get it on Amazon.com…
When You Asked Me To Marry You
When Laura asked me to write for her Marriage Vows series, I thought it would be a breeze. I had all these ideas: I would write about our “contract” and what works for our marriage, my ideas for inexpensive dates, or how having an interracial Hispanic-Asian Indian marriage has impacted us. They’re all too serious…
Preparing For Marriage
A few years ago I was leading an overnight youth event at a church. Most of the teens there were in grade seven and had spent very little if any time in a church before. They seemed to find the building – especially the sanctuary interesting. The youth group was new, we had really only…
Bubble Baths
My kids love having Nana take over, even if it means that Mom and Dad are going out. My parents came over to babysit earlier this month so that Dan and I could celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary. As we said goodbye to our kids, they barely stopped playing with their grandparents long enough to…
Marriage is More Than A Wedding
It’s safe to say that this series has been great! So many sweet and funny posts touching on the love aspects of marriage. They’ve covered what I thought I’d talk about so I’m going a different route, a ranty route. I’ve been lucky in marriage. Why? Because I got married young. And you know…
A Modern Family Romance Part Two
I wasn’t sure about the house. It was close to the beach, it had a second floor wrap around porch that lent a great view of the ocean. It had a ground level bedroom for guests. But there were faults. The rooms were small and musty and paneled with dark wood. The kitchen wasn’t the…
Fight Nice
I don’t remember what the fight was about. My husband was working from home, and I was taking a much-needed break from housework, kids’ schedules, and being overwhelmed from a combination of his frequent absences for work and our busy lives. He was home after a stint of being away, and the transition period of…
The Secret To Marriage
When Laura asked me to write for her again, I was so flattered. I got my foster license this past fall and haven’t even written for myself in over 6 months. Isn’t funny the things you’ll drop everything for when a friend asks, but that you won’t do for yourself? Marriage. It’s a funny concept. When…
Marriage: Not a (Seafaring) Fairy Tale
We have a great love story, David and I. Ours is a tale of young love, stops and starts, heartbreak, and an enduring friendship. We were an experiment in timing – good and bad – and chances missed and then taken. It is the stuff of a fairy tale – or at least a decent…
Loving Canada
I love Canada Day in a very nostalgic way – the same way someone loves a favourite home-cooked meal from Mom or a favourite cookie found in an old tin at Grammie’s house. There’s a pride in it being really special, but there is also the comfort and familiarity of home. Canada Day is a holiday…