I don’t make it a habit to publicly proclaim my opinion on something without educating myself as much as possible on the matter. For example, despite already feeling like I have surmised an opinion on the new it-book 50 Shades of Grey, you won’t find me blogging to the world about it (yet) because I…
Daily Living
Mama Home
“Dada? Mama sick. Mama sick. Mama no home.” We had just seen Cameron for the first time after leaving home for the hospital nineteen hours earlier to deliver his baby brother. For the first time in a long time, someone other than Mommy or Daddy had put him to bed the night before and for…
How to Pack a Hospital Bag (with Free Printable!)
I am so amazed at you, my readers! There are some great additional ideas for what to pack in your hospital bag in the comments. Be sure to check them out after you’ve read this post and leave your own suggestions. Being someone who has already had a baby, I tend to be the go-to…
The Final Stretch
I once read that you know you’re really in the third trimester when the prospect of delivering a baby is actually a desirable option*. As someone who freaked out during my first pregnancy when the Internet told me my baby was as big as a cantaloupe (20ish weeks) because I realized that this cantaloupe-sized thing in me…
Rest Restored
I have to admit that I have been struggling. With the new year came a fresh perspective, a desire to start anew and rid myself of all the negativity that last year brought. A new year can mean new adventures, new stories, and new chances. I was ready and motivated to embrace all of that….
Mess Mama!
“Mama! Mama! MESS! Mess Mama!” You were frantic, pointing down at the filthy floor and examining your now soiled sock. You, my sweet boy, are so much like me. I keep seeing this. You like the feeling of multiple blankets on top of you when you go to sleep and you prefer them to be…
Make-Down: Faces of a Family
Since I was a little girl, I have always had a stash of make-up for when I really needed it. It started with a simple play set which included lipgloss, blush, and probably loads of lead. As I matured, so too did my make-up materials. I started using eye-shadow, foundation, mascara, and in time eyelash curlers and eye-liner….
Striking Out of Control – Because it is All About Me
In light of some comments I’ve received, I want to state that this post is mostly about my experience as a parent, not the Halifax transit strike. I used the Halifax transit strike as a way to explain my feelings of being out-of-control, because the reality is, I have no control over what is going…
Takes the Cake
There is a lot to consider when starting a family. So many of the unknowns and the possibilities are exciting. Some are unnerving. Others are downright frightening. But mostly, the idea of starting a family and doing all sorts of family-things together is pretty darn wonderful. But I have always been worried about one family-related…
More Than I Can Handle
Monday morning. 7 am. I had already been up for an hour enjoying the only 60 minutes of my day that are entirely quiet, entirely alone, entirely mine. The previous night had been fraught with restlessness as we found ourselves awake and cleaning up toddler vomit. As the clock turned from six-fifty-nine to seven-oh-oh, I came…
Faces of a Family: Week 2: Sick Blessings
Fridays are tough for me. As the week draws to a close I find myself getting more and more exhausted and more and more ready for a break. I usually find myself trudging home tired and ready for the weekend to start. This past Friday was no exception. It was raining, my boots had all…